Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BS1416 .R67 1977 | Job speaks : interpreted from the original Hebrew book of Job / | 2 |
BS1417 .K3 1918 | The Book of Job as a Greek tragedy / | 1 |
BS1417 .K3 1959 | The book of Job as a Greek tragedy / | 1 |
BS1417 .S2 | The book of Job | 1 |
BS1419 1600 | Sanctus Marcus : Syriacè, Ebraicè, Græcè, Latinè, Germanicè, Bohemicè, Italicè, Gallicè, Anglicè, Danicè, Polonicè | 1 |
BS1420 .L48 1688 | Sefer Tehilim Liber Psalmorum / | 1 |
BS1420 .R58 1656 |
Safer tehilim usafer eykhah sepher tehillim u-sepher echam : the Hebrew text of the Psalmes and Lamentations, but published (for to encourage and facilitate beginners in their way) with the readng thereof in known English letters, excepting only the letter ʻ, which because of the incertainty of its genuine pronunciation is left either to be read or not, according as the reason of the reader shall judge most convenient / [Sefer Tehilim u-sepher Ekhah] The Hebrew text of the Psalmes and Lamentations : revised and corrected according to the best of Plantin and Stephan's impressions; but published without the superfluous and useless accents or accentuating characters ... : with a postscript to the text explaining the keri and ketib, or the Masoretical notes so called in these two books; / |
3 |
BS1420.5.D4 A5 | The Psalms scroll of Qumrân Cave 11 (11QPsa) / | 1 |
BS1420.5.D4 F556 1997 | The Dead Sea Psalms scrolls and the Book of Psalms / | 1 |
BS1421 | English psalms in the Middle Ages, 1300-1450 / | 1 |
BS1421 .H48 | The uses of Hebraisms in recent Bible translations / | 1 |
BS1421 .O43 2016 | Old English psalms / | 1 |
BS1421 .W7 1911a | The Hexaplar Psalter : being the book of Psalms in six English versions / | 1 |
BS1422 | The psalter of Psalmes of Dauid after the translation of the great Bible, poynted as it shall be songe in churches | 1 |
BS1422 .1545 | Psalmes or prayers taken out of holye Scripture. | 2 |
BS1422 1548 |
Psalmes or prayers taken out of holye scripture. The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid after the tra[n]slacion of the great Bible, poincted as it shalbe song in Churches .. |
2 |
BS1422 1552 | The psalter, or Psalmes of Dauid, corrected, and poincted, as they shalbe song in churches, aftre the translation of the Greate Byble. : Hereunto is added, diuers thinges as maie apeare on the nexte side, wheare is expressed the contentes of thys booke. | 1 |
BS1422 1556 | Psalmes or prayers taken out of holye Scripture | 1 |
BS1422 1559 | Psalmes or prayers taken out of holy scripture. | 1 |
BS1422 1571 | The Psalmes, or Prayers taken out of holy Scripture commonly called the Kyngs psalmes. | 1 |