Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BS1425.L3 B44 2001 | Collectio psalterii Bedae Venerabili adscripta / | 1 |
BS1425.L3 B762 2001eb | Collectio psalterii Bedae Venerabili adscripta / | 1 |
BS1425 .L37 1544 | Psalmi, seu, Precationes ex variis Scripturae locis collectae. | 1 |
BS1425.L37 1661 | Liber psalmorum Davidis ex Armenico idiomate in Latinum traductus / | 2 |
BS1425 .L38 1568 | Psalmi sev Precationes D. Ioan. Episcopi Rossensis, item Psalmi aliquot selecti ex Dauide. | 1 |
BS1425.L53 1598 | Liber psalmorvm Davidis e sacra Hebraeorum lingua graecorumque .. | 1 |
BS1425.P72 1557 | [Psalmes of] David translated according to the veritie and truth of th' Ebrue, wyth annotacions moste profitable | 1 |
BS1425 .S6 | El xxij. dia del Mes | 1 |
BS1425 .W4 1567 | Psallmyr neu Psalmae' Dauid, wedy ei Gambereigaw yn nesaf ac' allit, a' chadw'r bwyll, ir llythyr Ebrew: a'i ddosparth wrth y drefn y darlleir yn yr Eccles. | 1 |
BS1425 .W4 1588 | Psalmau dafydd o'r vn cyfieithiad a'r Beibl cyffredin. | 1 |
BS1425 .W4 1634 | Psalmau dafydd o'r vn cyfieithiad a'r Bibl cyffredin | 1 |
BS1425 .W4 1896 | Psalmau Dafydd o'r vn cyfieithiad a'r Beibl cyffredin. : The Psalms, tr. into Welsh / | 1 |
BS1429 |
The lxxxij. Psalme [A golden chain] of four links to draw poor souls to their desired habitation, or, the four last things briefly discoursed of, viz. death, which is most certain, judgement, which is most strict, Hell, which is most dismal, Heaven, which is most delightful : to which is added wholsome instructions both to young and old, in order to prepare themselves for their latter end, and avoid all sinful allurements, which usually obstructs that great and necessary work of salvation : with some necessary directions to dye well, in order to avoid Hell, and obtain Heaven / |
2 |
BS1429.A58 M67 2000 | Non harundo sed calamus : aspetti letterari della Explanatio psalmorum XII di Ambrogio / | 1 |
BS1429 .BS1429 2010 | Expositions of the Psalms. | 2 |
BS1429 .B37 | The sure trial of uprightness open'd in several sermons upon Psal. xviii, v. 23 ... / | 2 |
BS1429 .B38 | Sermons upon Psalm CXXX, ver. 4 but there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayst be feared / | 2 |
BS1429 .B45 1964 | Chrestiennes méditations / | 1 |
BS1429 .B69 1615 | An exposition of the last psalme deliuered in a sermon preached at Paules crosse the fifth of Nouember 1613, which I haue ioyned to the Festiuals as a short apologie for our holy daies in the Church of England : dedicated vnto my honorable friend and most respected kinsman Sir William Monins baronet / | 1 |
BS1429 .B69 1643 | The sword of the Lord and of Gideon to this is subjoined a prayer for an armie going to battell, and a thanksgiving after the victorie. / | 1 |