Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1429 .D44 Les anciens commentateurs grecs des Psaumes. 1
BS1429 .D498 1980 Diodori Tarsensis Commentarii in Psalmos / 1
BS1429 .D498 2005 Diodore of Tarsus : commentary on Psalms 1-51 / 1
BS1429.D5 M3 1933 Études préliminaires a l'édition de Diodore de Tarse sur les Psaumes, la tradition manuscrite. : Deux manuscrits nouveaux / 1
BS1429 .D52 A brief explication of the last fifty psalmes, from Ps. 100. to the end 2
BS1429 .D53 1654 A brief explication of the last fifty Psalmes from Ps. 100 to the end / 2
BS1429 .D53 1655 A brief explication upon the last fifty Psalms: from Psal. 100 to the end.
A brief explication of the last fifty Psalms: from Psal. 100. to the end. /
BS1429 .D66 1633 Deaths duell, or, A consolation to the soule, against the dying life, and living death of the body deliuered in a sermon at White-Hall, before the Kings Maiestie, in the beginning of Lent, 1630 / 1
BS1429 .E49 The finger of God over his anointed a sermon preached to the German Lutheran congregation in Trinity-lane, in their vulgar tongue, on Thursday the 16th of April, being the appointed day of thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the miraculous discovery and disappointment of the late horrid conspiracy against His Majesty's most sacred person and government / 2
BS1429 .E72 1997 Expositions of the Psalms / 1
BS1429 .E73 1997eb Expositions of the Psalms : Collected Works of Erasmus, Vol. 64 / 1
BS1429 .E73 2010eb Expositions of the Psalms / 1
BS1429 .F67 God's goodness to this Israel in all ages being the substance of some sermons on Psalm LXXIII, I/ by J.F., minister of the gospel. 2
BS1429.F67 1654 Primitiæ regiminis Davidici., or, The first-fruits of Davids government, vowed to God before, and offered at his actual admission thereunto. Represented in a sermon at the assises held at Reading, for the county of Berks, Feb 28. 1653 / 1
BS1429 .F67 1656 Primitiæ regiminis Davidici, or, The first-fruits of Davids government vowed to God before and offered at his admission thereunto / 2
BS1429 .F67 1659 Singing the psalmes the duty of Christians under the New Testament, or, A vindication of that gospel-ordinance in V sermons upon Ephesians 5, 19 wherein are asserted and cleared I. That, II. What, III. How, IV. Why [brace] we must sing / 2
BS1429 .F94 Perfection and peace delivered in a sermon / 2
BS1429 .G7413 1995 Gregory of Nyssa's Treatise on the inscriptions of the Psalms / 1
BS1429 .G7414 2002 Sur les titres des Psaumes / 1
BS1429 .G88 1669 Urim and Thummim. Light and truth. / 1