Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1429 .H68 The vanity of this mortal life, or, Of man considered only in his present mortal state 2
BS1429 .I24 2009eb Abraham Ibn Ezra's commentary on the first book of Psalms : chapter 1-41 / 1
BS1429 .I26 2009eb Abraham Ibn Ezra's commentary on the Second Book of Psalms : chapter 42-72 / 1
BS1429 (INTERNET) An exposition of the last psalme delivered in a sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the fifth of Nouember, 1613 /
The Christian gouernour, in the common-wealth, and priuate families described by Dauid, in his 101. Psalme. Guiding all men in a right course to heauen. Herewith also a part of the parable of the lost sonne. Luke 15. /
Lectures on the XV. Psalme read in the cathedrall church of S. Paule, in London. Wherein besides many other very profitable and necessarie matters, the question of vsurie is plainely and fully decided. /
A logicall analysis of twentie select Psalmes
Holy meditations vpon seauen penitentiall and seauen consolatory psalmes of the kingly prophet Dauid
Davids zeale for Zion a sermon preached before sundry of the honourable House of Commons : at St. Margarets at Westminster, April 4 /
A sermon preach'd before the Honourable House of Commons, at St. Margaret's Westminster, January the xxxth, 1691/2
Part of the harmony of King Dauids harp Conteining the first XXI. Psalmes of King Dauid. /
The peace of Jerusalem a sermon preached in the Parliament House, Jan. 9, 1656 : being a day of private humiliation kept by the members thereof /
A sermon preach'd at St. Paul's Cathedral, November 22, 1699 being the anniversary meeting of the Lovers of Musick /
Perfection and peace delivered in a sermon /
Brief notes upon the whole book of Psalms put forth for the help of such who desire to exercise themselves in them and cannot understand without a guide : being a pithie and clear opening of the scope and meaning of the text to the capacitie of the weakest /
A sermon preached before the Right Honourable Sir John Shorter, Knight, Lord Mayor of the city of London at Grocers-Hall
A sermon concerning reformation of manners preach'd at St. Jame's Church, Westminster, Feb. 13, and afterwards at St. Brides, to one of the religious societies /
Europe's delivery from France and slavery a sermon preached at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on the 16th of November, 1690, before the right honourable the Lords Justices of Ireland : being the day of Thanksgiving for the preservation of His Majesty's person, his good success in our deliverance, and his safe and happy return into England /
A sermon before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and the Right Worshipful the Aldermen of the city of London, preached on Febr. 29, 1679/80, at Guildhall-Chappel
A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Francis Mitchel, who dyed the 19th, and was buried the 24th of July, 1671
Dauids teares
An exposition vpon the .23. psalme of Dauid full of frutefull and comfortable doctrin, written to the citye of London by Iohn Hooper, bushop [sic] of Gloceter and Worceter, and holye martyr of God for the testimonye of hys truth : wherunto is annexed an apology of his, agaynst such as reported that he cursed Quene Mary, wyth certaine godlye and comfortable letters in the ende.
A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall on the 29th of May, 1694, being the anniversary of King Charles II, his birth and restauration
A holy alphabet for Sion's scholars full of spiritual instructions, and heauenly consolations, to direct and encourage them in their progresse towards the new Ierusalem /
A sermon preach'd before the King & Queen, at White-hall the 12th of November, 1693 : being the day appointed for a publick thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the gracious preservation of His Majesty, and his safe return /
The imitation of Dauid his godly and constant resolution in bearing all his trialls, troubles and afflictions being a king whose example of faith, patience, hope, obedience and deliueries, thankfulnesse and prayer, is left euen for princes, potentates, and all true Christians to imitate. /
The exposition and declaration of the Psalme, Deus ultionum Dominus
David and Saul a sermon preached on the day of national thanksgiving for God's gracious deliverance of the King's Majesty from an assassination and the kingdom from a French invasion /
The upright Christian discovered by keeping himself from his iniquity, and resignation to the divine will : by way of question and answer /
A fourth proceeding in the harmony of King Dauids harp That is to say; a godly and learned exposition of six psalmes moe of the princely prophet Dauid, beginning with the 62. and ending with the 67. Psalme. /
A sermon concerning discretion in giving alms preached at St. Sepulchres Church in London, instead of the Spittle, upon Wednesday in Easter-week, April vi, MDCLXXXI /
Psal. 4, vers. 7 Thou hast put gladnesse in my heart (or thou hast given ioy of heart) more then when their corne and their vvine increased.
A sermon preached before the House of Lords in the Abby-Church at Westminster, upon Thursday the sixteenth of April, 1696 being a day of publick thanksgiving to Almighty God for the most happy discovery and disappointment of a horrid design to assasinate His sacred Majesty, and for our deliverance from a French invasion /
A brief explication of the other fifty Psalmes, from Ps. 50 to Ps. 100
A brief explication of the first fifty Psalms
A sermon concerning holy resolution preached before the King at Kensington, December 30th, 1694 /
Concerning doing good to posterity a sermon preach'd before Their Majesties at White-Hall, on February the 16th, 1689-90 /
A brief explication of the last fifty Psalmes from Ps. 100 to the end /
Dauids learning, or, The vvay to true happinesse in a commentarie vpon the 32. Psalme /
A meditation of mans mortalitie containing an exposition of the ninetieth psalme /
The beauty of magistracy in an exposition of the 82 Psalm, where is set forth the necessity, utility, dignity, duty, and mortality of magistrates : here many other texts of Scripture occasionally are cleared, many quæries and cases of conscience about the magistrates power, are resolved, many anabaptistical cavils are confuted, and many seasonable observations containing many other heads of divinity, are raised : together with references to such authors as clear any point more fully /
A sermon concerning doing good to posterity preach'd before Their Majesties at White-Hall, on February 16, 1689/90 /
A sermon preach'd before the right honourable Sir Henry Tulse, Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, and the citizens of the city of London, on May the 29th, 1684 being the anniversary-day of His Majesty's birth ... /
A sermon concerning the folly of atheism preached before the Queen at White-Hall, February 22, 1690/91 /
Deus nobiscum a sermon preached upon a great deliverance at sea : with the narrative of the dangers and deliverances : with the name of the master and those that suffered : together with the name of the ship and owners /
An exposicyon of the .xv. psalme
Spirituall preseruatiues against the pestilence, or, Seuen lectures on the 91. Psalme First printed in Anno. 1593. And now reuised, corrected, and published, as generally for the instruction of ignorant people : so specially for the confirmation of the weake seruants of Iesus Christ, descibing the most diuine and most soueraigne preseruatiues against the pestilence /
A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, in Bow-Church, on the feast of St. Michael, 1680 at the election of the Lord Mayor for the year ensuing /
A sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons at their late solemne monethly fast Januarie 29th, 1644 wherein these foure necessary considerations are plainly proved and demonstrated out of the holy Scriptures, viz ... /
A sermon before the queen at White-hall, May 29, 1692
A fift proceeding in the harmony of King Dauids harpe That is to say, a godly and learned exposition of 5. other moe [sic] psalmes of the princely Prophet Dauid: beginning with the 68. and ending with the 72. psalme, being the last part of the first tome, or one halfe of the booke of psalmes. /
A third proceeding in the harmonie of King Dauids harp that is to say, a godly and learned exposition vpon 17. Psalmes moe of the princely prophet Dauid, beginning with the 45. and ending with the 61. Psalme: /
A proceeding in the harmonie of King Dauids harpe That is to say, an exposition of 13. psalmes of the princely prophet Dauid, from the 22. vnto the 35. psalme, /
A practical exposition on the 130th Psalm wherein the nature of the forgiveness of sin is declared, the truth and reality of it asserted, and the case of a soul distressed with the guilt of sin and relieved by a discovery of forgiveness with God is at large discoursed /
A sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Norwich on the ninth of September, 1683 being the day of public thanksgiving for His Majesty's late deliverance /
The Psalmes of David from the new translation of the Bible turned into meter to be sung after the old tunes used in the churches : unto which are newly added the Lord's prayer, the Creed, the Ten commandments, with some other ancient hymnes.
A sermon on Psal. CXIX, v. 57 shewing wherein the good man's portion and dependence consists /
Exercises vpon the first Psalme both in prose and verse /
Sermons upon Psalm CXXX, ver. 4 but there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayst be feared /
The sure trial of uprightness open'd in several sermons upon Psal. xviii, v. 23 ... /
A treatise of delighting in God from Psal. xxxvij. 4. Delight thy self also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart : In two parts /
A sermon preach'd on the late day of thanksgiving, Decemb. 2, 1697
A sermon preached before Their Majesties at Whitehall, on the fifth day of November, 1689 being the anniversary-day of thanksgiving for that great deliverance from the gunpowder-treason, and also the day of His Majesties happy landing in England /
Th' encænia of St. Ann's Chappel in Sandgate, or, A sermon preached May 3, 1682 before the right worshipful, the mayor, aldermen, sheriff &c. of the town and county of Newcastle Upon Tyne upon their erecting a school and a catechetical lecture for the instruction of poor children and such as are ignorant /
A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the city of London, at Gvild-hall-Chappel, on Sunday, Nov. 4, 1688
An epitome of the Psalmes, or briefe meditacions vpon the same, with diuerse other moste christian prayers
Singing the psalmes the duty of Christians under the New Testament, or, A vindication of that gospel-ordinance in V sermons upon Ephesians 5, 19 wherein are asserted and cleared I. That, II. What, III. How, IV. Why [brace] we must sing /
A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall, March the XXth, 1691/2
A looking-glasse of hvmane frailty set before us in a sermon preached at the funerals of Mris. Anne Calquit, late wife of Mr. Nicholas Calquit, draper, who died on the 7. day of April 1659 and was interr'd the 19. of the said month, at the parish church of Alhallows the Less in Thames Street /
[A little treatise vppon the firste verse of the 122. Psalm] [stirring vp vnto carefull desiring a dutifull labouring for true church gouernement ... R.H]
True happines, or, King Dauids choice begunne in sermons, and now digested into a treatise /
A sermon preached in the chappel of St. James's, before His Highness the Prince of Orange, the 23d of December, 1688
A peace-offering to God a sermon preached to the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament at their publique thanksgiving, September 7, 1641 : for the peace concluded between England and Scotland /
The solace of Sion, and ioy of Ierusalem, or, Consolation of Gods church in the latter age redeemed by the preaching of the Gospell vniuersallye. Beeing a godly and learned exposition of the Lxxxvij. Psalme of the princelye prophet Dauid: /
An exposition vpon some select Psalmes of David conteining great store of most excellent and comfortable doctrine, and instruction for all those that (vnder the burthen of sinne) thirst for comfort in Christ Iesus. /
BS1429 .K53 Perush ... ʻal Tehilim. 1
BS1429 .L55 Gwyddor vchod. 1
BS1429.L883 R37 1989 Inimici ecclesiae : das ekklesiologische Feindbild in Luthers "Dictata super Psalterium" (1513-1515) im Horizont der theologischen tradition / 1
BS1429 .M27 Th' encænia of St. Ann's Chappel in Sandgate, or, A sermon preached May 3, 1682 before the right worshipful, the mayor, aldermen, sheriff &c. of the town and county of Newcastle Upon Tyne upon their erecting a school and a catechetical lecture for the instruction of poor children and such as are ignorant / 2
BS1429 .N68 Notker latinus : die Quellen zu den Psalmen, Psalm 1- / 1
BS1429 .O75 2023 Homilies on Psalms 36-38 / 1
BS1429 .O7514 1995 Homélies sur les Psaumes 36 à 38 / 1
BS1429 .O84 A practical exposition on the 130th Psalm wherein the nature of the forgiveness of sin is declared, the truth and reality of it asserted, and the case of a soul distressed with the guilt of sin and relieved by a discovery of forgiveness with God is at large discoursed / 2
BS1429 .O84 1680 A practical exposition of the CXXXth Psalm wherein the nature of the forgiveness of sin is declared, the truth and reality of it asserted, and the case of a soul distressed with the guilt of sin, and relieved by a discovery of forgiveness with God, is at large discoursed / 2
BS1429 .O94 1622 A sermon preached at Gouldsbrough in Yorke-shire, before the right worshipfull Sir Richard Hutton knight, one of His Maiesties iustices of the Court of Common Pleas 1
BS1429 .P53 Excellent encouragements against afflictions, or, Expositions of four select Psalmes the XXVII, LXXXIV, LXXXV, and LXXXVII, containing [brace] 1. David's triumph over distresse, 2. Davids hearts desire, 3. The churches exercise under affliction, 4. The great charter of the church / 2
BS1429 .S28 1538 An exposycyon after the maner of a co[n]templacyon upon the .li. Psalme called Miserere mei De[us] whiche Hierom of Ferrarye made at the latter ende of hys dayes. = Expositio ac meditatio in Psalmū Miserere mei, fratris Hieronymi de Ferraria, quam i vitimis vite sue edidit 2
BS1429 .S5 The great commandment. A discourse upon Psal 73. 25. : Shewing that God is all things to a religious soul. : Being a further explication of a short discourse called, The angelical life, / 1
BS1429 .S54 1682 David's repentance, or, A plain and familiar exposition of the LI. Psalm first preached, and now published, for the benefit of God's church : wherein every Christian may set before his eyes ... / 2
BS1429 .S55 A true account of the behaviour of Thomas Randal, who was executed at Stone-Bridge, for killing the Quaker, on Wednesday the 29th of this instant January 1695/6. : On the Lord's Day, after the condemnation of the criminals, the ordinary preacht on this text, viz. Psal. XC. Vers. 11. Who knows the power of thy anger? 1
BS1429 .S6 1996 Meditations sur les pseaumes / 1