Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BS1433 .L4 1958a | Reflections on the Psalms. | 1 |
BS1433 .L45 | Les paraphrases françaises des Psaumes a la fin de la période baroque (1610-1660) | 1 |
BS1433 .L85 | God's providence the cities safety a sermon preached before the Right Honourable the lord mayor and Court of Aldermen of the city of London at Guild-Hall Chappel, February the 24th, 1688/9 / | 2 |
BS1433 .M66 | A practical discourse concerning the choice benefit of communion with God in his house witnessed unto by the experience of saints as the best improvement of time : being the summe of several sermons on Psal. 84. 10 preach'd in Boston on lecture-dayes / | 2 |
BS1433 .M66 1699 | Of religious melancholy a sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall, March the VIth, 1691/2 / | 2 |
BS1433 .N67 | A sermon preached before the King at New Market, October 8, 1671 | 2 |
BS1433 .O43 2001eb | The old Greek psalter : studies in honour of Albert Pietersma / | 1 |
BS1433 .P73 2004eb | Psalms and liturgy / | 1 |
BS1433 .R49 1656 | An explication of the CX psalm wherein the several heads of Christian religion therein contained, touching the exaltation of Christ, the scepter of his Kingdom, the character of his subjects, his priesthood, victories, sufferings, and resurrection are largely explained and applied : being the substance of several sermons preached at Lincolns Inne / | 2 |
BS1433 .S527 |
A sermon preached on the Thanksgiving day the 27 day of October, 1692 at Crosby Square A sermon preached on the thanksgiving day the 27 day of October, 1692 at Crosby Square |
2 |
BS1433 .S63 | Ton sesosmenon umnon, or, The song of the delevered set forth in a sermon preached in the Colledge of Bristoll the 24. of October : being the day set apart for publick thanksgiving unto God for the memorable victory obtained over the Scottish army at Worcester / | 2 |
BS1433 .V33 | The Psalms in other words : a presentation for beginners. | 1 |
BS1433 .W44 | That great duty and comfortable evidence (keeping our selves from our iniquity) opened and applied in some sermons upon Psal. 18, 23 / | 2 |
BS1434 .D57 | Directions by way of alphabet readily to find out the principal heads or subjects contained in the sacred book called David's psalms together with their respective quotations in order to the holy reading or singing of them to the great glory of God and edification of all pious Christians / | 2 |
BS1435 .D97 2005 | Psalmody and prayer in the writings of Evagrius Ponticus / | 1 |
BS1435 .M4 | Bread in the wilderness. | 1 |
BS1436 .P72 |
The psalter, or, Psalmes of David after the translation of the great Bible, pointed as it shall be sayd or sung in churches : with the addition of morning and evening prayer. The psalter, or, Psalmes of David after the translation of the great Bible pointed as it shall be said or sung in churches : with the addition of morning and evening prayer. The psalter, or, Psalmes of David. According to the new translation of the English Bible. |
5 |
BS1436 .P72 1549 | The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid corrected & poynted, as they shalbe song in churches after the translacion of the great Byble : hereunto is added diuerse thinges as maye appere on the nextside, where is expressed the contentes of this booke. | 1 |
BS1436 .P72 1559 | The Boke of Psalmes where in are conteined praiers, meditatio[n]s, praises & thankesgiui[n]g to God for his benefites toward his church / | 1 |
BS1436 .P72 1567 | [The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid] [with the ordinarie service ...] | 1 |