Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1440 .S36 1601 The psalmes of Dauid in metre, with diuerse notes and tunes augmented to them. Diligentlie corrected from manie faults escaped heeretofore: and now lastlie deuided into parts, as they are to be sung in the Kirk of Scotland. 1
BS1440 .S36 1614 The Psalmes of David in Scottish meter: after the forme that they are vsed to be song in the Kirk of Scotland. 1
BS1440 .S36 1929 The Scottish Psalter, 1929 : metrical version and scripture paraphrases, with tunes. 1
BS1440 .S4 1693 The Psalms of David in meeter. 1
BS1440 .S5 The Psalmes of David / 1
BS1440 .S5 1963 The Psalms of Sir Philip Sidney and the Countess of Pembroke / 1
BS1440 .S5 1963a The Psalms of Sir Philip Sidney and the Countess of Pembroke / 1
BS1440 .S53 1660 The whole book of Psalms in meeter according to that most exact & compendious method of short writing / 2
BS1440 .S68 1668 The Psalms of King David paraphrased and turned into English verse according to the common metre as they are usually sung in parish-churches / 2
BS1440 .S7 1622 The Psalter, or, Psalmes of David : after the translation of the great Bible, pointed as it shall bee sayd or sung in churches ; with the addition of morning and euening prayer.
The whole booke of psalmes /
The new testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : newly translated out of the originall Greeke, and with the former translations diligently compared and reuised, by his Maiesties speciall commandment.
BS1440 .S7 1633 The whole booke of Psalmes : with the hymnes evangelicall and songs spirituall / 1
BS1440 .S73 The whole booke of Psalmes
The whole book of Psalms
Certayne Psalmes
The whole book of Psalmes.
BS1440 .S73 1553 [Al such psalmes of Dauid as T. Sternehold didde in his life time draw into English metre] 1
BS1440 .S73 1562 The whole booke of Psalmes 1
BS1440 .S73 1564 The whole booke of psalmes 1
BS1440 .S73 1565 The whole booke of psalms, 1
BS1440 .S73 1567 The whole booke of psalmes 1
BS1440 .S73 1569 The whole booke of Psalmes 1
BS1440 .S73 1572 The whole booke of Psalmes 1
BS1440 .S73 1576 The whole booke of Psalmes 1