Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1435 .D97 2005 Psalmody and prayer in the writings of Evagrius Ponticus / 1
BS1435 .M4 Bread in the wilderness. 1
BS1436 .P72 The psalter, or, Psalmes of David after the translation of the great Bible, pointed as it shall be sayd or sung in churches : with the addition of morning and evening prayer.
The psalter, or, Psalmes of David after the translation of the great Bible pointed as it shall be said or sung in churches : with the addition of morning and evening prayer.
The psalter, or, Psalmes of David. According to the new translation of the English Bible.
BS1436 .P72 1549 The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid corrected & poynted, as they shalbe song in churches after the translacion of the great Byble : hereunto is added diuerse thinges as maye appere on the nextside, where is expressed the contentes of this booke. 1
BS1436 .P72 1559 The Boke of Psalmes where in are conteined praiers, meditatio[n]s, praises & thankesgiui[n]g to God for his benefites toward his church / 1
BS1436 .P72 1567 [The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid] [with the ordinarie service ...] 1
BS1436 .P72 1568 The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid after the translati[on] of the greate Bible, poynted as it shall be sayde or song in churches : with the morning and euening prayer, and certaine additions of collects and other the ordinarie seruice gathered out of the Boke of common prayer. 1
BS1436 .P72 1580 The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid after the translation of the great Bible, pointed as it shall be soong in churches. 1
BS1436 .P72 1587 The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid after the translation of the great Bible, pointed as it shall be said or soong in churches. 1
BS1436 .P72 1614 [The psalter or Psalmes of Dauid] 1
BS1436 .P72 1637 The Psalter, or, Psalms of David after the translation of the great Bible : pointed as it shall be said or sung in churches : with the addition of morning and evening prayer. 1
BS1440 The CL psalmes of David in meeter after the forme they are used to be sung in the Kirke of Scotland.
The whole book of Psalms
The whole booke of Psalmes: collected into English meeter /
BS1440 1641 The Psalmes of David in meeter according as they are sung in the kirk of Scotland. 1
BS1440 1643 The psalms of David, in prose and meeter. With an exact kalendar, the order of baptisme and marriage, morning and evening prayer, and other godly prayers. 1
BS1440 1650 The Psalmes of David in meeter. Newly translated, and diligently compared with the originall text, and former translations : more plaine, smooth, and agreeable to the text, then any heretofore. / 1
BS1440 1651 The Psalms of David in meeter. Newly translated, and diligently compared with the originall text, and former translations: More plaine, smooth, and agreeable to the text, then any heretofore. / 1
BS1440 1652 The Psalms of David in meeter. Newly translated, and diligently commpared with the originall text, and former translations. More plain, smooth, and agreeable to the text, then any heretofore. / 1
BS1440 1667 Psalms of David in meeter. Newly translated, and diligently compared with the original text, and former translations More plain, smooth, and agreeable to the text, then any heretofore. / 1
BS1440 1669 The Psalms of David in meeter 1
BS1440 1670 The Psalms of David in meeter. Newly translated, and diligently compared with the original text, and former translations. More plain, smooth, and agreeable to the text, then any heretofore. / 1