Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1443.W44 L59 1638 Llyfr y Psalmau vvedi ev cyfieithu, a'i cyfansoddi ar fesur cerdd, yn Gymraeg. / 1
BS1445.I46 L63 2022eb Cursing with God : the imprecatory psalms and the ethics of Christian prayer / 1
BS1445.L3 V55 2008 The "uncertainty of a hearing" : a study of the sudden change of mood in the Psalms of lament / 1
BS1445.L3 V55 2008eb The uncertainty of a hearing : a study of the sudden change of mood in the Psalms of lament / 1
BS1445.L3W35 2014 The Psalms as Christian Lament. 1
BS1445.P4 Miserere mei : the penitential Psalms in late medieval and early modern England / 2
BS1445.P4 A73 1635 Paraphrase vpon the seaven pen[i]tentiall psalmes of [t]he kingly prophet 1
BS1445.P4 B34 1640 Meditations and disquisitions upon seven consolatorie Psalmes of David namely, the 23. the 27. the 30. [brace][brace] the 34. the 84. the 103. the 116. / 1
BS1445.P4 E4 1894 Psalmi penitentiales. 1
BS1445.P4 F58 1544 Psalmes or prayers taken out of holye scripture. 1
BS1445.P4 H84 1995 The Seven Psalms : a commentary on the Penitential Psalms / 1
BS1445.P4 H86 1583 Seuen sobs of a sorrowfull soule for sinne comprehending those seuen Psalmes of the princelie prophet David, commonlie called Pœnitential / 1
BS1445.P4 H86 1585 Seuen sobs of a sorrowfull soule for sinne: comprehending those seuen Psalmes of the princelie prophet Dauid, commonlie called Poenitentiall; / 1
BS1445.P4 H86 1589 Seuen sobs of a sorrowfull soule for sinne comprehending those seuen Psalmes of the princelie prophet Dauid, commonlie called Pœnitential / 1
BS1445.P4 H86 1592 Seuen sobs of a sorrowfull soule for sinne: comprehending those seuen Psalmes of the princelie prophet Dauid, commonlie called Pœnitential; / 1
BS1445.P4 H86 1602 Seuen sobs of a sorrowfull soule for sinne comprehending those seuen Psalmes of the princelie prophet Dauid, commonlie called Pœnitential / 1
BS1445.P4 H86 1615 Seuen sobs of a sorrowfull soule for sinne: comprehending those seuen Psalms of the princelie prophet Dauid, commonlie called Poenitential; / 1
BS1445.P4 H86 1621 Seuen [sobs] of a sorro[wfull] soule for [sin] comprehending those seuen [Psal]me[s o]f the princelie prophet Dauid, commonly called Poenitentiall, / 1
BS1445.P4 H86 1636 Seven sobs of a sorrowfull soule for sin comprehending those seven Psalmes of the princely prophet David, commonly called Penitentiall / 1
BS1445.P4 I2 1625 The psalme of mercy, or, A meditation vpon the 51. psalme 1