Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1455 .M45 1998 Wise teaching : biblical wisdom and educational ministry / 1
BS1455 .M86 1983 Wisdom literature and Psalms / 2
BS1455 .M87 Wisdom literature : Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Canticles, Ecclesiastes, and Esther / 1
BS1455 .O94 2021 The Oxford handbook of wisdom and the Bible / 2
BS1455 .P3 The book that is alive : studies in Old Testament life and thought as set forth by the Hebrew sages. 1
BS1455 .P37 1991eb Wisdom in revolt : metaphorical theology in the Book of Job / 1
BS1455 .P38 2008 The sword and the stylus : an introduction to wisdom in the age of empires / 1
BS1455 .P39 1994 Wisdom & creation : the theology of wisdom literature / 1
BS1455 .P424 2007 Wisdom literature : a theological history / 1
BS1455 .P43 1993 Wisdom literature and the structure of proverbs / 1
BS1455 .S63 Studies in Israelite poetry and wisdom / 1
BS1455 .S8 1785 FilosofĂ­a del espĂ­ritu y del corazon / 1
BS1455 .T695 2016 Tracing Sapiential traditions in ancient Judaism / 2
BS1455 .W492 2016 Wisdom : the collected articles of Norman Whybray / 1
BS1455 .W55 1998eb Wisdom and Psalms / 1
BS1455 .W554 2013 Wisdom and Torah : the reception of 'Torah' in the wisdom literature of the Second Temple period / 1
BS1455 .W56 1995 Wisdom in ancient Israel : essays in honour of J. A. Emerton / 1
BS1455 .W563 2007eb Wisdom literature in Mesopotamia and Israel / 1
BS1455 .W57 2020 Wisdom on the move : late antique traditions in multicultural conversation : essays in honor of Samuel Rubenson / 2
BS1455 .W65 2023 Qumran wisdom and the New Testament : exploring early Jewish and Christian textual cultures / 1