Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BS1465.6.P32 H38 2008eb | Contradiction in the book of Proverbs the deep waters of counsel / | 1 |
BS1465.6.R5 F67 2008eb | Animal imagery in the book of Proverbs / | 1 |
BS1465.6.W7 F65 2002 | Smooth words : women, proverbs and performance in Biblical wisdom / | 1 |
BS1466 .H65 |
Cato divinus, sive, Proverbia Solomonis latino carmine reddita Cato divinus, sive, Proverbia Solomonis Latino carmine reddita |
2 |
BS1466 .H66 1699a | Cato divinus sive, Proverbia Solomonis latino carmine reddita. .. | 1 |
BS1466 .I57 | Institutio, epithalamium, & militia viri ac militis Christiani, sive, Aliquot S. Scripturarum partium in hos usus inservientium Latina paraphrasis | 2 |
BS1466 .P37 | The proverbs of Solomon paraphrased with the arguments of each chapter which supply the place of a commentary / | 2 |
BS1467 .D34 | Proverbs and northwest Semitic philology / | 1 |
BS1472 .M5 1968x | [Koheleth] : The book of Ecclesiastes / | 1 |
BS1473 1500 | The boke of the preacher Fo. I. | 1 |
BS1473 1534 | Here foloweth the boke of Solomo[n] called Ecclesiastes, which is to say in Englishe, a preacher | 1 |
BS1473 1940 | Koheleth : the book of Ecclesiastes / | 1 |
BS1473 1946 | Ecclesiastes / | 1 |
BS1473 1958 | Ecclesiastes / | 1 |
BS1473 1958 | Ecclesiastes / | 1 |
BS1473 1992 | Ecclesiastes : the preacher. | 1 |
BS1473 .F69 2004eb | Ecclesiastes : the traditional Hebrew text with the new JPS translation / | 1 |
BS1473 .M3 | Ecclesiastes | 1 |
BS1473.3 (INTERNET) | Ecclesiastes, othervvise called The preacher containing Salomons sermons or commentaries (as it may probably be collected) vpon the 49. Psalme of Dauid his father : compendiously abridged, and also paraphrastically dilated in English poesie, according to the analogie of Scripture, and consent of the most approued writer thereof / | 1 |
BS1474.P6 H4 | Kohelet / | 1 |