Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1515.3 .H47 The book of the prophet Isaiah, chapters 1-39 /
The book of the prophet Isaiah, chapters 1-39.
BS1515.3 .K64 1982 L'herméneutique analogique du judaïsme antique d'après les témoins textuels d'Isaïe / 1
BS1515.3 .Y6 The book of Isaiah : the English text, with introd., exposition, and notes / 1
BS1515.4 .B52 Eben-ezer, or, Profitable truths after pestilential times being some meditations upon Isaiah 4, 2, shewing the mercy and the duty of those that have escap'd the slaughtering pestilence : as also, that all slaughter shall end in the exhaltation of Christ and the setting up of his kingdom : together with an epistolary preface to the citizens of London & Westminster / 2
BS1515.4 .B87 Gospel fear, or, The heart trembling at the word of God evidenceth a blessed frame of spirit delivered in several sermons from Isa. 66, 2 and 2 Kings 22, 14 / 2
BS1515.4 .C37 1689 England's restoration parallel'd in Judah's, or, The primitive judge and counsellor in a sermon before the honourable judge at Abington assizes, for the county of Berks, Aug. 6. 1689 / 1
BS1515.4 C37 1689 England's restoration parallel'd in Judah's: or, The primitive judge and counsellor. In a sermon before the honourable judge at Abington assizes, for the county of Berks, Aug. 6. 1689. / 2
BS1515.4 .C723 Gospel-holinesse, or, The saving sight of God laid open from Isa. 6, 5, together with the glorious priviledge of the Saints from Rom. 8, 4, 5, both worthily opened & applyed / 2
BS1515.4 .G42 Londons remembrancer, or, A sermon preached at the Church of St. Mary Le Bow on September the 3d, 1688 (the second day being the Lord's Day) which was appointed by act of Parliament for the citizens of London and their successors to retain the memorial of the sad desolation of the city by fire in the year of our Lord 1666 / 2
BS1515.4 .P7613 2001 Protestant translators : Anne Lock Prowse and Elizabeth Russell / 1
BS1515.4 .P7613 2016 Protestant translators : Anne Lock Prowse and Elizabeth Russell / 1
BS1515.4 .S72 The exceeding great comfort and benefit of having walked before God in truth, and with a perfect heart, and of having done that which is good in his sight set forth in several discourses on Isaiah 38. 2, 3 / 1
BS1515.4 .T74 A godly and fruitfull sermon preached at Grantham. anno Dom. 1592. 1
BS1515.4 .T74 1595 A godly and fruitfull sermon preached at Grantham. anno Dom. 1592. 1
BS1515.4 .T8 Sion shining in gospel-glory, or, The churches advancement and saints engagement in gospel-times with some hints of thankfulnesse for Englands deliverance from the Popish Plot of the powder treason : being the summe of a sermon preached at St Michaels in Cornhill, London, upon the 5th of Novemb. 1651 / 2
BS1515.4 .V563 1646 Magnalia Dei ab aquilone set forth in a sermon preached before the right honourable the Lords and Commons at Saint Margarets Westminister ... July 18, 1644 ; being the day of publike thanksgiving for the great victory obtained against Prince Rupert and the Earl of Newcastles forces near York /
Magnalia Dei ab aquilone set forth in a sermon preached before the right honourable the Lords and Commons at Saint Margarets Westminister ... July 18, 1644 : being the day of publike thanksgiving for the great victory obtained against Prince Rupert and the Earl of Newcastles forces near York /
BS1515.4.V563 H43 1886 The hearse of the renowned the Right Honourable Robert Earle of Essex and Ewe, Viscount Hereford, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, Bourchier and Lovaine, sometime Captaine Lord Generall of the Armies raised for the defence of King and Parliament : as it was represented in a sermon, preached in the Abbey church at Westminster, at the magnificent solemnity of his funerall, Octob. 22. 1646 / 1
BS1515.5 .H66 The priveledge of the saints on earth beyond those in heaven in respect of gifts and graces exercised, duties and services performed, sufferings and tryals undergone by them which the glorified are not capable of : being the sum of a discourse upon a part of Hezekiah's Song of thanksgiving ... : to which is added A short discourse of the nature and extent of the Gospel-day : reaching from the destruction of the old to the erection of the new Jerusalem out of Zech. 14, 6, 7 /
The priveledge of the saints on earth beyond those in heaven in respect of gifts and graces exercised, duties and services performed, sufferings and tryals undergone by them which the glorified are not capable of : being the sum of a discourse upon a part of Hezekiah's Song of thanksgiving ... : to which is added A short discourse of the nature and extent of the Gospel-day : reaching from the destruction of the old to the erection of the new Jerusalem out of Zech. 14, 6, 7 /
BS1515.5 .W56 1994 The book called Isaiah : Deutero-Isaiah's role in composition and redaction / 1
BS1515.52 A redactional study of the Book of Isaiah 13-23 /
Exploring the Isaiah scrolls and their textual variants /
The Origins of Isaiah 24--27 : Josiah's Festival Scroll for the Fall of Assyria /
Poetry, catastrophe, and hope in the vision of Isaiah /