Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1565 (INTERNET) The arraignment of licentious liberty, and oppressing tyranny in a sermon preached before the right honourable House of Peers, in the Abbey-church at Westminster, on the the day of their solemn monethly fast, Febr. 24. 1646 /
Israels prayer in time of trouble with Gods gracious answer thereunto, or, An explication of the 14th chapter of the Prophet Hosea in seven sermons preached upon so many days of solemn humiliation /
Samaria's downfall, or, A commentary (by way of supplement) on the five last verses of the thirteenth chapter of Hosea wherein is set forth, Ephraim's dignity, duty, impenitency, and downfall : very suitable to, and seasonable for, these present times, where you have the text explained, sundry cases of conscience cleared, many practical observations raised (with references to such authors as clear any point more fully) : and a synopsis or brief character of the twenty kings of Israel, with some useful inferences from them /
The misery of a deserted people opened in a sermon preached at Pauls before the Lord Major, aldermen, and Common-Councel, Decemb. 2, 1659, being a day of solemn humiliation by them appointed /
BS1565 .R49 Israels prayer in time of trouble with Gods gracious answer thereunto, or, An explication of the 14th chapter of the Prophet Hosea in seven sermons preached upon so many days of solemn humiliation / 2
BS1565 .S52 1650 The returning backslider, or, A commentarie upon the whole xiiii chapter of the prophecy of the prophet Hosea wherein is shewed the large extent of Gods free mercy, even unto the most miserable forlorne and wretched sinners that may be, upon their humiliation and repentance /
The returning backslider, or, A commentarie upon the whole XIV chapter of the prophecy of the prophet Hosea wherein is shewed the large extent of Gods free mercy, even unto the most miserable forlorne and wretched sinners that may be, upon their humiliation and repentance : also The saints priviledge, &c. /
BS1565 .W54 1699 A sermon preached to the Society for Reformation of Manners, at Nottingham, on the 25th of August, 1698 1
BS1565.2 .B7 Tradition for crisis : a study in Hosea. 1
BS1565.2 .B87 1969eb The prophetic word of Hosea : a morphological study / 1
BS1565.2 .E46 1984eb Hosea : an Israelite prophet in Judean perspective / 1
BS1565.2 .H65 1995eb Prophesying the past : the use of Israel's history in the book of Hosea / 1
BS1565.2 .M67 1996eb Prophecy, poetry, and Hosea / 1
BS1565.2 .S54 1996eb The prostitute and the prophet : Hosea's marriage in literary-theoretical perspective / 1
BS1565.3 .M36 1969b Hosea, a commentary. 1
BS1565.3 .P62 A commentary on the prophecy of Hosea 2
BS1565.3 .S56 1993 El desierto de los dioses : teologĂ­a e historia en el libro de Oseas / 1
BS1565.3 .S75 1993 YHWH is the husband of his people : analysis of a biblical metaphor with special reference to translation / 1
BS1565.52 .K44 2001 Woman's Body and the Social Body in Hosea / 1
BS1565.52 K44 2001eb Woman's body and the social body in Hosea / 1
BS1565.52 .K45 2005eb Hosea 2 : metaphor and rhetoric in historical perspective / 1
BS1565.52 .O24 2024 A phenomenological reading of Hosea 12:4-5 and 11:1-2 : commune with us / 1
BS1565.52 .T76 2001eb Reading Hosea in Achaemenid Yehud / 1
BS1565.52 .T85 2018 Hosea : a handbook on the Hebrew text / 1