Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BS1830.T4 A3 1693 | The testament of the twelve patriarchs, the sons of Jacob | 2 |
BS1830.T4 A3 1699 | The testament of the tvvelve Patriarchs, the sons of Jacob | 1 |
BS1830.T4 (INTERNET) | The testament of the twelve patriarchs, the sons of Jacob | 1 |
BS1830.T4 W44 1700 | Testamen[t] y dauddeg Padriarch meibion Jacob ... | 1 |
BS1830.T5 B4 1970 | Untersuchungen zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Testamente der zwölf Patriarchen. | 1 |
BS1830.T5 J65 1991 | Jewish eschatology, early Christian christology, and the Testaments of the twelve patriarchs : collected essays of Marinus de Jonge. | 1 |
BS1830.T5 .K84 2001 | The testaments of the twelve patriarchs / | 1 |
BS1830.T5 K84 2001eb | The testaments of the twelve patriarchs / | 1 |
BS1901 1599 |
Nouum Testamentum Dni. Nri. Iesu Christi Syriacè, Ebraicè, Græcè, Latinè, Germanicè, Bohemicè, Italicè, Hispanicè, Gallicè, Anglicè, Danicè, Polonicè / Sanctus Matthæus Syriacè, Ebraicè, Græcè, Latinè, Germanicè, Bohemicè, Italicè, Hispanicè, Gallicè, Anglicè, Danicè, Polonicè / |
2 |
BS1904.5 .K73 2007eb | Ad fontes : original manuscripts and their significance for studying early Christianity : selected essays / | 1 |
BS1904.5 .P37 2008 | An introduction to the New Testament manuscripts and their texts / | 1 |
BS1904.5 .P37 2008eb | An introduction to the New Testament manuscripts and their texts / | 1 |
BS1904.5 BS1904.5.P37 2008 | An Introduction to the New Testament Manuscripts and their Texts. | 2 |
BS1911.I72 A275 2003 | Would an invasion of Iraq be a "just war"? | 1 |
BS1938 .E3 | The Gospel manuscripts of the General Theological Seminary / | 1 |
BS1938 .L25 1932a | Six collations of New Testament manuscripts / | 1 |
BS1938 .N68 2013eb |
Novum testamentum Graece : ad antiquissimos testes denuo recensuit apparatum criticum omni studio perfectum apposuit commentationem isagogicam praetexuit Constantinus Tischendorf. Novum testamentum Graece : ad antiquissimos testes denuo recensuit apparatum criticum apposuit Constantinus Tischendorf. |
3 |
BS1938 .S8 1983 | Style and discourse : with special reference to the text of the Greek New Testament / | 1 |
BS1938 .T74 2013eb | An account of the printed text of the Greek New Testament : with remarks on its revision upon critical principles / | 1 |
BS1939 .C655 2019 | The text of the earliest New Testament Greek manuscripts / | 1 |