Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS2070 1560 The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ 1
BS2070 1575 The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ. Conferred diligently vvith the Greke, and best approued translations. : VVith the arguments, aswell [sic] before euery chapter, as also vpon euery boke with most apte notes for the better vnderstanding of the text.
The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ.
BS2070 1576 The Nevv Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ 1
BS2070 1577 The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, 2
BS2070 1581 The Bible: that is, the Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and New Testament. / 1
BS2070 1583 The Newe Testament of ovr Lord Iesus Christ 1
BS2070 1586 The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, 1
BS2070 1587 The Newe Testament of Our Lord Iesus Christ 1
BS2070 1589 The New Testament of Our Lord Iesus Christ, 1
BS2070 1590 The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ. 1
BS2070 1593 The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ. 1
BS2070 1596 The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, 1
BS2070 1598 The Newe Testament of ovr Lord Iesvs Christ. 2
BS2070 1601 The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, 1
BS2070 .1602 [The New Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ] 1
BS2070 1602 The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, 1
BS2070 1603 The Nevv Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, 1
BS2070 1607 [The New Testament ] 1
BS2070 1609 The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ.
The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ,
BS2070 1610 The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ, 1