Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BS2545.M5 F8 | Interpreting the miracles / | 1 |
BS2545.M5 M57 2012eb | Miracle discourse in the New Testament / | 1 |
BS2545.M5 M58 2013eb | Miracles revisited : New Testament miracle stories and their concepts of reality / | 1 |
BS2545.M5 R46 2019 |
Signs of Continuity : the Function of Miracles in Jesus and Paul. Signs of Continuity The Function of Miracles in Jesus and Paul. |
2 |
BS2545.N86 N86 2017eb | Numerals in early Greek New Testament manuscripts : text-critical, scribal, and theological studies / | 1 |
BS2545.P4 B3 | Christian non-resistance, in all its important bearings illustrated and defended. | 1 |
BS2545.P4 .D384 1997 | Peace, Violence and the New Testament. | 1 |
BS2545.P4 M32 1971 | The New Testament basis of pacifism : and The relevance of an impossible ideal. | 1 |
BS2545.P43 D38 | The Gospel and the land : early Christianity and Jewish territorial doctrine / | 1 |
BS2545.P47 A83 1998 | What are they saying about the formation of Pauline churches? / | 1 |
BS2545.P65 S7313 1984 | The gospel and the poor / | 2 |
BS2545.P66 F4513 2014 | Power, service, humility : a New Testament ethic / | 1 |
BS2545 .P66 F4513 2014eb | Power, Service, Humility : a New Testament ethic / | 1 |
BS2545.P66 W56 1984 v.3 | Engaging the powers : discernment and resistance in a world of domination / | 1 |
BS2545.P66 W56 1984 vol. 1 | Naming the powers : the language of power in the New Testament / | 2 |
BS2545.P66 W56 1984 vol. 2 | Unmasking the powers : the invisible forces that determine human existence / | 1 |
BS2545.P66 W56 1984 vol. 3 | Engaging the powers : discernment and resistance in a world of domination / | 1 |
BS2545.P67 B7 1681 | The privie key of heaven; or Twenty arguments for closet-prayer: in a select discourse on that subject: with the resolution of several considerable questions; the main objections also against closet-prayer are here answered; cautions propounded, and the point improved; with several other things of no small importance, in respect of the internal and eternal welfare of the Christian reader. / | 1 |
BS2545.P684 (INTERNET) | Lux orientalis, or, An enquiry into the opinion of the Eastern sages concerning the praeexistence of souls being a key to unlock the grand mysteries of providence, in relation to mans sin and misery. | 1 |
BS2545.P696 J63 1977 | The literary function of possessions in Luke-Acts / | 1 |