Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS2555.2 .C277 1983 El evangelio en Solentiname / 1
BS2555.2 .C3 1993 The quest for Q / 1
BS2555.2 .C492 1994 Judaic approaches to the Gospels / 2
BS2555.2 .C494 1995 The sign of Jonah reconsidered : a study of its meaning in the gospel traditions / 1
BS2555.2 .C68 1981 The Gospels / 1
BS2555.2 .C73 2000 The critical edition of Q : synopsis including the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Mark and Thomas with English, German, and French translations of Q and Thomas / 1
BS2555.2 .C85 1989 The poetics of revelation : recognition and the narrative tradition / 2
BS2555.2 .D53 1992 Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels / 1
BS2555.2 .D6 1968 More New Testament studies / 1
BS2555.2 .D67 1994 Profeta sin honra : memoria y olvido en las narraciones evangélicas / 1
BS2555.2 .D69 2004eb Doing things with words in the first Christian century / 1
BS2555.2 .D86 1985 The evidence for Jesus / 2
BS2555.2 .E27 2004eb The earliest gospels : the origins and transmission of the earliest Christian gospels -- the contribution of the Chester Beatty Gospel Codex P⁴⁵ / 1
BS2555.2 .F68 Analyse ordinale des évangiles synoptiques. 1
BS2555.2 .F7 The Twelve: disciples and apostles : a study in the theology of the first three Gospels. 1
BS2555.2 .G564 1996eb Goulder and the Gospels : an examination of a new paradigm / 1
BS2555.2 .G57 1995 The gospel behind the Gospels : current studies on Q / 1
BS2555.2 .G624 1988 The Gospels / 2
BS2555.2 .G6245 1994eb The Gospels and the Scriptures of Israel / 1
BS2555.2 .G678 1989b The hidden heroes of the Gospels : female counterparts of Jesus / 1