Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BS2575 .F84 | A comment on the eleven first verses of the fourth chapter of S. Matthew's Gospel concerning Christs temptations delivered in XII sermons at St. Clements, Eastcheap, London / | 2 |
BS2575 .G62 | A Godlye sermon preached before the Queens Most Excellent Maiestie vpon the 17, 18, 19 verses of the 16 chapter of S. Mathew vvherein is contained the conclusion of a dialogue betweene Christ and his disciples, shewing breefely that the authoritie which the Pope of Rome doth challenge to himselfe is vnlawfully vsurped : very necessarie for these perilous times wherein the simple may perceiue their intollerable impietie, vsurping that office and action which euer appertayned vnto Christ only : published at the request of sundry godly and well disposed persons. | 1 |
BS2575 .G66 |
A sermon preached at Bishops-Stortford, August 29, 1677 before the Right Reverend Father in God Henry Lord Bishop of London &c at His Lordship's primary visitation / The leaven of pharisaism and sadducism purged out a sermon preached before the Court of Aldermen and city of London at their Guild-hall Chappel on Sunday Decemb. 16, 1688 / |
4 |
BS2575 .G88 1693 | Two sermons preached | 1 |
BS2575 .G98 1680 | Two sermons | 1 |
BS2575 .H39 | A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the lord mayor of London, and the Honourable the Court of Aldermen, and governours of the several hospitals of the city at St. Bridget's Church, on Easter-Tuesday, being one of the anniversary spittal-sermons / | 2 |
BS2575 .H49 |
Closet-prayer a Christian duty, or, A treatise upon Mat. VI, VI tending to prove that worship of God in secret is the indispensible duty of all Christians ... together with a severe rebuke of Christians for their neglect of, or negligence in, the duty of closet-prayer, and many directions for the managing thereof ... / Closet-prayer a Christian duty, or, A treatise upon Mat. VI, VI. tending to prove that worship of God in secret is the indispensible duty of all Christians ... together with a severe rebuke of Christians for their neglect of, or negligence in, the duty of closet-prayer, and many directions for the managing thereof ... / Closet-prayer a Christian-duty, or, A treatise upon Mat. 6, 6. tending to prove that worship of God in secret is the indispensible duty of all Christians ... : together with a severe rebuke of Christians for their neglect of, or negligence in, the duty of closet- prayer, and many directions for the managing thereof ... / |
5 |
BS2575 .H514 | Commentaire sur S. Matthieu / | 1 |
BS2575 .H5314 | Sur Matthieu / | 1 |
BS2575 .H67 1698 |
Several sermons upon the fifth of St. Matthew ... being part of Christ's Sermon on the mount / Several sermons upon the fifth of St. Matthew. being part of Christ's Sermon on the mount / |
2 |
The Christian arte of thriving, whereby a man may become rich to God, or, A sermon vpon Matth.6.33 A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall, March the 8th, 1688/9 The rise, race, and royalty of the kingdom of God in the soul of man opened in several sermons upon Matthew 18.3 : as also the loveliness & love of Christ set forth in several other sermons upon Psal. 45. v. 1, 2. : together with an account of the state of a saint's soul and body in death / True gain, opened in a sermon preached at Pauls, Nov. 9. 1656 The reformation of couetousnesse written vpon the 6. chapter of Mathew, from the 19. verse to the ende of the said chapter / Four tracts A trumpet blown in Zion, or, An allarm in God's holy mountain containing an exposition of that metaphorical Scripture, Matth. III, 12 : lately delivered in two sermons ... / Christ's yoke an easy yoke, and yet the gate to heaven a strait gate in two excellent sermons, well worthy the serious perusal of the strictest professors / A comment on the eleven first verses of the fourth chapter of S. Matthew's Gospel concerning Christs temptations delivered in XII sermons at St. Clements, Eastcheap, London / Self-deniall opened and applyed in a sermon before the Reverend Assembly of Divines on a day of their private humiliation / Gods house made a den of theeves delivered in a second sermon in Southampton / Several sermons upon the fifth of St. Matthew being part of Christ's Sermon on the mount / Several tracts An exercitation on the historical relation, Matth. 15, 1--9, Mark 7, 1--13, concerning eating with unwashen hands by way of appendix or supplement to the discourse concerning indifferencies. The royal and happy poverty, or, A meditation on the felicities of an innocent and happy poverty grounded on the fifth of Matthew, the third verse : and addressed to the late and present sufferers of the times. A sermon preached before the King at White-Hall, March 7, 1678/9 Of thoughtfulnes for the morrow with an appendix concerning the immoderate desire of fore-knowing things to come / A brief exposition of the evangel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall, March the 7th, 1689/90 A sermon preached November V, 1673, at St. Margarets Westminst Gods house, or, The hovse of prayer vindicated from prophanenesse and sacriledge delivered in a sermon the 24 day of February, Anno 1641 in Southampton / Heaven taken by storm, or, The holy violence a Christian is to put forth in the pursuit after glory A sermon preached at Salters-Hall to the Societies for Reformation of Manners, May 16, 1698, and now printed at their request / A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at St. Margarets Westminster, January 30th 1677/8 Ten sermons vpon the first, second, third and fourth verses of the sixt of Matthew containing diuerse necessary and profitable treatises , viz. a preseruative against the poyson of vaine-glory in the 1 & 2, the reward of sincerity in the 3, the vncasing of the hypocrite in the 4, 5 and 6, the reward of hypocrisie in the 7 and 8, an admonition to left-handed Christians in the 9 and 10 : whereunto is annexed another treatise called The anatomie of Belial, set foorth in ten sermons vpon the 12, 13, 14, 15 verses of the 6 chapter of the Prouerbs of Salomon. A discourse of closet (or secret) prayer from Matt. VI 6 first preached and now published at the request of those that heard it / A sermon preached at the assizes held at Leicester, July xxii. MDCLXXVI before the Right Honourable Sir Edward Atkins Lord Chief Baron, and Sir Christopher Milton, Baron of the Exchequer / A sermon preached before the Right Honorable the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament at Margarets Church in Westminster, upon Thursday the 18 day of Iuly, 1644 : it being the day of public thanksgiving for the great mercie of God in the happie successe of the forces of both kingdomes neer York, against the enemies of King and Parliament / A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the lord mayor of London, and the Honourable the Court of Aldermen, and governours of the several hospitals of the city at St. Bridget's Church, on Easter-Tuesday, being one of the anniversary spittal-sermons / An enquiry into four remarkable texts of the New Testament which contain some difficulty in them, with a probable resolution of them |
30 |
BS2575 .K66 | The parable of the Kingdom of heaven expounded, or, An exposition of the first thirteen verses of the twenty fifth chapter of Matthew | 2 |
BS2575 .K8 | Creation continues : a psychological interpretation of the first Gospel / | 1 |
BS2575 .L68 | Hells terror, or, A treatise of the torments of the damned as a preservative against security / | 2 |
BS2575 .M37 | The Gospel according to Saint Matthew / | 1 |
BS2575 .M6 1861 | Disquisitions and notes on the Gospels. Matthew. | 1 |
BS2575 .M62 | Gospell duty and dignity a discourse of the duty of Christians and their priviledges by Christ, grounded on Matthew 13, 46 ... / | 2 |
BS2575 .P3 | Dauidis Parei theologi archipalatini In S. Matthæi evangelium commentarius quo præter accuratam textus sacri analysin, & harmoniæ evangelicæ collationem orthodoxa fidei Christianæ capita à depravationibus / | 1 |
BS2575 .P33 1984 | Pascasii Radberti Expositio in Matheo libri XII / | 1 |
BS2575 .P53 | Defense de la reformation de l'eglise anglicane contre les innovations de Rome, ou, Sermon sur ces mots de nostre Seigneur, Matth. XIX. VIII. mais du commencement il n'en estoit pas ainsi prononcé a White-Hall le 1/11 fevr. 166 1/2 en presence du roy, & publié par l'exprés commandement de Sa Majeste / | 2 |