Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS2575.3 .M29 2001 Matthew 1-13 / 1
BS2575.3 .M668 1989 Companion God : a cross-cultural commentary on the Gospel of Matthew / 2
BS2575.3 .M68 1991 Matthew / 1
BS2575.3 .O714 Commentaire sur l'Évangile selon Matthieu / 1
BS2575.3 .P37 1987 The Gospel according to Matthew : a structural commentary on Matthew's faith / 1
BS2575.3 .P684 1994 The evolution of the Gospel : a new translation of the first Gospel with commentary and introductory essay / 1
BS2575.3 .S3313 The good news according to Matthew / 1
BS2575.3 .S738 1993 A gospel for a new people : studies in Matthew / 1
BS2575.3 eBook Jesús, maestro, Señor resucitado : encuentros bíblicos desde la Lectio Divina con el evangelio de Mateo / 1
BS2575.4 The good treasurer., or, Heaven and earths day of iubile in finding of the most pretious hidden treasures. Preached at Pauls Crosse on VVhitson- Monday the 2. day of Iune. 1623. / 1
BS2575.4 .B35 A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the lord mayor and aldermen of this city at the Cathedral Church of St. Pauls, on Sunday 3d. of April
A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the lord mayor and alderman of this city at the Cathedral Church of St. Pauls on Sunday 3d of April /
BS2575.4 .B37 The civil magistrates coercive power in religious matters asserted, in a sermon [on Matt. vii. 12] preached at the assizes at Hertford, March the 7th, 1683/4 1
BS2575.4 .B742 Division divided, or, Ruines fore-runner discovered and decyphered in a sermon before the right honourable and right worshipfull the Lord Major and Aldermen of the city of London, preached on the Lords-day, September 20, 1646, in Pauls Church, London / 2
BS2575.4 .C32 The foundation of popery shaken, or, The Bishop of Rome's supremacy opposed in a sermon upon Matth. XVI. 18, 19 / 2
BS2575.4 .C62 A sermon preach'd before Their Majesties in St. James's on Advent-Sunday November the 28th, 1686 2
BS2575.4 .C76 The hard way to heaven explained and applyed in a sermon intended to be preached at Peters-Cornhill, but by reason of the disorderly concourse preached at St. Katherines Creed-Church London, the 27th of July 1662, being the third day after his release / 2
BS2575.4 .E92 A farewell sermon preached at Great Ayton in the county of Yorkshire 2
BS2575.4 .F943 A sermon preach'd in the Cathedral Church at the triennial visitation of the right reverend ... Seth, Lord Bishop of Sarum ... 2
BS2575.4 .H37 A funeral sermon on Mordecai Abbott Esq. preach'd at Lorimers Hall, April the 7th, 1700 /
A funeral sermon on Mordecai Abbott Esq preach'd at Lorimers Hall, April the 7th, 1700 /
Truth may be blam'd but not sham'd a sermon upon Matth. 16 v.13, 14, 15, 16 : wherein truth and errour are brought upon the stage act their parts /
BS2575.4 (INTERNET) The case of the exiled Vaudois and French Protestants stated, and their relief recommended to all good Christians, especially to those of the reformed religion in a sermon preach'd at St. James Westminster, April 5, 1699, being the day of the publick fast / 1