Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS2575.3 .S738 1993 A gospel for a new people : studies in Matthew / 1
BS2575.3 eBook Jesús, maestro, Señor resucitado : encuentros bíblicos desde la Lectio Divina con el evangelio de Mateo / 1
BS2575.4 The good treasurer., or, Heaven and earths day of iubile in finding of the most pretious hidden treasures. Preached at Pauls Crosse on VVhitson- Monday the 2. day of Iune. 1623. / 1
BS2575.4 .B35 A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the lord mayor and aldermen of this city at the Cathedral Church of St. Pauls, on Sunday 3d. of April
A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the lord mayor and alderman of this city at the Cathedral Church of St. Pauls on Sunday 3d of April /
BS2575.4 .B37 The civil magistrates coercive power in religious matters asserted, in a sermon [on Matt. vii. 12] preached at the assizes at Hertford, March the 7th, 1683/4 1
BS2575.4 .B742 Division divided, or, Ruines fore-runner discovered and decyphered in a sermon before the right honourable and right worshipfull the Lord Major and Aldermen of the city of London, preached on the Lords-day, September 20, 1646, in Pauls Church, London / 2
BS2575.4 .C32 The foundation of popery shaken, or, The Bishop of Rome's supremacy opposed in a sermon upon Matth. XVI. 18, 19 / 2
BS2575.4 .C62 A sermon preach'd before Their Majesties in St. James's on Advent-Sunday November the 28th, 1686 2
BS2575.4 .C76 The hard way to heaven explained and applyed in a sermon intended to be preached at Peters-Cornhill, but by reason of the disorderly concourse preached at St. Katherines Creed-Church London, the 27th of July 1662, being the third day after his release / 2
BS2575.4 .E92 A farewell sermon preached at Great Ayton in the county of Yorkshire 2
BS2575.4 .F943 A sermon preach'd in the Cathedral Church at the triennial visitation of the right reverend ... Seth, Lord Bishop of Sarum ... 2
BS2575.4 .H37 A funeral sermon on Mordecai Abbott Esq. preach'd at Lorimers Hall, April the 7th, 1700 /
A funeral sermon on Mordecai Abbott Esq preach'd at Lorimers Hall, April the 7th, 1700 /
Truth may be blam'd but not sham'd a sermon upon Matth. 16 v.13, 14, 15, 16 : wherein truth and errour are brought upon the stage act their parts /
BS2575.4 (INTERNET) The case of the exiled Vaudois and French Protestants stated, and their relief recommended to all good Christians, especially to those of the reformed religion in a sermon preach'd at St. James Westminster, April 5, 1699, being the day of the publick fast / 1
BS2575.4 .K66 A notable and comfortable exposition of M. Iohn Knoxes, vpon the fourth of Mathew, concerning the tentations of Christ: first had in the publique church, and then afterwards written for the comfort of certaine priuate friends, but now published in print for the benefite of all that feare God. 1
BS2575.4 .L37 The parable of the wedding-supper explained wherein the offer of salvation both to Jews and Gentiles is plainly and pithily applied : whereunto is added a discourse of the payment of tythes, with an appendix by way of apology for the seasonablenesse of it, very useful for gospel times / 1
BS2575.4 M3 Pregeth yn erbyn schism: neu, Wahaniadau yr Amseroedd hyn a Bregethwyd yn Watlington yn fir Rydychen, mewn peth cythryfwl Med. ll. 1652. / 1
BS2575.4 .R3 The true relation of the bloody attempt by James Salowayes to cut his own throat in the compter, upon Sunday the 21. of June, 1663 together with Satans attempt and overthrow, in a sermon preached upon the occasion in Wood-street-compter, upon Sunday the 21. of June, 1663 / 2
BS2575.4 .S36 1672 A vvarning-piece for the slumbring virgins: or An alarm to the friends of the bridegroom. In some awakening meditations upon Christs own watch-word, Mat. 26. 41. / 1
BS2575.4 ebook El camino abierto por Jesús. 1
BS2575.5 .L8813 1995eb The theology of the Gospel of Matthew / 1