Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS2575.52 Feminist Companion to Matthew.
Treasure hidden in a field : early Christian reception of the gospel of Matthew /
The (im)possibility of forgiveness? an empirical intercultural Bible reading of Matthew 18:15-35 /
Auf seinen Namen werden die Völker hoffen : die matthäsche Rezeption der Schriften Israels zur Begründung des universalen Heils /
Not the Righteous but Sinners : Bakhtin's Theory of Aesthetics and the Problem of Reader-Character Interaction in Matthew's Gospel.
The Beatitudes through the ages /
BS2575.52 .B365 2023 The historical Jesus and the Temple : memory, methodology, and the Gospel of Matthew / 2
BS2575.52 .B53 2002 Sentence conjunction in the Gospel of Matthew : kai, de, tote, gar, oun and Asyndeton in narrative discourse / 1
BS2575.52 .C76 2012 The Obedient Son : Deuteronomy and Christology in the Gospel of Matthew. 1
BS2575.52.F37 2013 Feasting on the Gospels--Matthew, Volume 1.
Feasting on the Gospels--Matthew, Volume 2.
BS2575.52 .G37 2003 Gospel of Matthew's Dependence on the Didache. 1
BS2575.52 .G74 2020 The message of Matthew : the kingdom of heaven / 1
BS2575.52 .H35 2006eb The nature and demands of the sovereign rule of God in the Gospel of Matthew / 1
BS2575.52 .H37 2005 The Theme of Jewish Persecution of Christians in the Gospel According to St Matthew / 1
BS2575.52 .H66 2011eb The Messiah, his brothers, and the nations : (Matthew 1.1-17) / 1
BS2575.52 .J34 2002eb Have mercy on me : the story of the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15.21-28 / 1
BS2575.52 .K36 2019 Matthew within Sectarian Judaism : an Examination / 1
BS2575.52 .K57 2013eb The taming of the Canaanite woman : constructions of Christian identity in the afterlife of Matthew 15:21-28 / 1
BS2575.52 .K6613 2014eb Israel, church, and the gentiles in the Gospel of Matthew / 1
BS2575.52 .M39 2008eb Matthew, James, and Didache : three related documents in their Jewish and Christian settings / 1
BS2575.52 .M48 2009 Methods for Matthew / 1
BS2575.52 .N53 2008eb Walking on the water : reading Mt. 14:22-33 in the light of its Wirkungsgeschichte / 1
BS2575.52 .O44 2006eb Matthew's Judaization of Mark : examined in the context of the use of sources in Graeco-Roman antiquity / 1
BS2575.52 .P37 2019 The politics of race and ethnicity in Matthew's passion narrative / 1
BS2575.52 .P57 2016 Matthew's new David at the end of exile : a socio-rhetorical study of scriptural quotations / 2