Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS2615 .B86 1690 Come & welcome to Jesus Christ, or, A plain and profitable discourse on John VI. Verse xxxvii. Shewing the cause, truth and manner of the coming of a sinner to Jesus Christ, with his happy reception, and blessed entertainment / 1
BS2615 .B86 1691 Come and welcome to Jesus Christ, or, A plain and profitable discourse on John VI, verse xxxvii shewing the cause, truth, and manner of the coming of a sinner to Jesus Christ, with his happy reception and blessed entertainment / 2
BS2615 .B86 1694 Come and welcome to Jesus Christ, or, A plain and profitable discourse on John VI, verse xxxvij shewing the cause, truth and manner of the coming of a sinner to Jesus Christ, with his happy reception, and blessed entertanment [sic] / 1
BS2615 .B86 1697 Come and welcome to Jesus Christ, or, A plain and profitable discourse on John VI, verse xxxvij shewing the cause, truth and manner of the coming of a sinner to Jesus Christ, with his happy reception, and blessed entertainment / 1
BS2615 .B86 1700 Come and welcome to Jesus Christ, or, A plain and profitable discourse on John VI, verse xxxvii shewing the cause, truth, and manner of the coming of a sinner to Jesus Christ, with hi[s] happy reception and [bless]ed entertainment / 2
BS2615 .C4 1925a According to Saint John / 1
BS2615 .C66 1664 A comforting farewel-word, to the Lords trembling-hearted peoples, at the removal of the cloud of His glory from the sanctuary, applyed as a present cordiall, against their heart-faintings. 1
BS2615 .C73 Æternalia, or, A treatise wherein by way of explication, demonstration, confirmation, and application is shewed that the great labour and pains of every Christian ought chiefly to be imployed not about perishing, but eternal good things from John 6, 27 / 2
BS2615 .C97 2018 Commentaire sur Jean / 1
BS2615 .D39 XVIII choice sermons preached upon the incarnation and nativity of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ wherein the greatest mysteries of godliness are unfolded to the capacity of the weakest Christian / 2
BS2615 .D47 A sermon preached at the Tower of London, the eleuenth day of December, 1569
A sermon preached at the Tower of London, the eleuenth day of December, 1569.
BS2615 .D47 1575 A sermon preached at the Tower of London, by M. Dering the xi. day of December, 15[9?]9. 1
BS2615 .D57 The interpretation of the fourth Gospel /
The interpretation of the Fourth Gospel.
BS2615 .D57 1953a The interpretation of the fourth Gospel / 1
BS2615 .D66 1623 Encænia the Feast of Dedication, celebrated at Lincolnes Inne, in a sermon there vpon Ascension day, 1623 : at the dedication of a new chappell there, consecrated by the Right Reuerend Father in God, the Bishop of London / 1
BS2615 .E5 The world of St. John : the Gospel and the Epistles / 1
BS2615 .H27 The first general epistle of St. John the Apostle, unfolded and applied the first part in two and twenty lectures on the first chapter, and two verses of the second : delivered in St. Dyonis. Back-Church, An. Dom. 1654 / 2
BS2615 .H375 A companion to St. John's Gospel. 1
BS2615 .H54 CVIII lectures upon the fourth of John preached at Ashby-Delazouch in Leicestershire / 2
BS2615 .H62 1947 The fourth gospel. 1