Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BS2615.3 ebook |
Jesús, palabra y gloria del Padre : encuentros bíblicos desde la Lectio Divina con el evangelio de Juan / Maestro, ¿dónde vives? : encuentros bíblicos desde la Lectio Divina para conocer mejor a Jesús, el Maestro / |
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BS2615.4 .A52 | The true Israelite, or, The sincere Christian distinguished from the hypocrite. | 1 |
BS2615.4 .A55 1683 | The glory of Christ set forth in several sermons from John III.34, 35, 36 and V.25 : and The necessity of faith in order to pleasing God, from Hebrews XI.6 / | 1 |
BS2615.4 C317 2010eb | El Evangelio según San Juan : el Evangelio del camino, de la verdad y de la vida / | 1 |
BS2615.4 .C664 | A sermon preached Decemb. 19th, 1675 at Bow-Church before the right honourable Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the city of London / | 2 |
BS2615.4 .D45 | Sermon du Sieur de Luzancy, licentié en théologie prononcé dans l'Eglise de la Savoye le unzième de juillet, jour de son abjuration, 1675. | 2 |
BS2615.4 .H56 | Lectures vpon the fourth of Iohn | 1 |
BS2615.4 (INTERNET) | A godlie sermon preched before the Queenes Maiestie at Grenevvich the 26. of March last past | 1 |
BS2615.4 .J45 | Soled comfort for sound Christians, or, A treatise of Gods absolute (and most certaine) performance of his conditionall promises in regard of the elect being a parcell of a larger discourse on John 13.17 / | 2 |
BS2615.4 .P45 1625 | Meditations vpon the gospell by Saint Iohn. | 1 |
BS2615.4 .P54 | The creples complaint, or, A sermon preached Sept. 29, 1661 at Akly, near Buckingham, upon some sad occasion in which among many motives unto loyalty and other religious duties is proved, by lamentable experience, that good things are better known when they are not, than when they are enjoyed / | 2 |
BS2615.4 .T55 1679 | A sermon preached December 3. 1678. | 1 |
BS2615.4 .V69 1969 | Homélie sur le prologue de Jean / | 1 |
BS2615.4 .W437 2016eb | The God Who Comforts : a Forty-Day Meditation on John 14:1-16:15. | 1 |
BS2615.4 .W54 | A godlie sermon preched before the Queenes Maiestie at Grenevvich the 26. of March last past | 1 |
BS2615.5 .B4 | Die Reden des Johannesevangeliums und der Stil der gnostischen Offenbarungsrede / | 1 |
BS2615.5 .H38 1996 | The Johannine world : reflections on the theology of the Fourth Gospel and contemporary society / | 1 |
BS2615.5 .H38 1996eb | The Johannine world : reflections on the theology of the Fourth Gospel and contemporary society / | 1 |
BS2615.5 .S5 | The Christ of the Fourth Gospel : in the light of first-century thought. | 1 |
BS2615.52 |
The questions of Jesus in John : logic, rhetoric and persuasive discourse / The Oxford handbook of Johannine studies / Feminist Companion to John, 1. John and Postcolonialism : Travel, Space, and Power. The fourth Gospel and the manufacture of minds in ancient historiography, biography, romance, and drama / Isaiah saw his glory : the use of Isaiah 52-53 in John 12 / John and the others : Jewish relations, Christian origins, and the sectarian hermeneutic / Understanding the Fourth Gospel. Studien zum Gottesbild im Johannesevangelium / Family 13 in St. John's Gospel : a computer assisted phylogenetic analysis / John and the Johannine letters / To Cast the First Stone : the Transmission of a Gospel Story. Society for new testament studies monograph series. The sheep of the dold : the audience and origin of the Gospel of John / Johannine Christology / The Gospel of John and the future of Israel / A Latino reading of race, kinship, and the Empire : John's prologue / John among the apocalypses : Jewish apocalyptic tradition and the 'apocalyptic' gospel / To cast the first stone / |
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