Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS2665 .F84 A sermon at the funerals of Mrs. Anne Norton widow and relict of W. Norton late of Sherrington, in the county of Bucks Esq., July 12, 1671 / 2
BS2665 .G52 The nature of justification opened in a sermon on Romans V. 1 / 2
BS2665 .G84 2011 Exposé sur l'épître aux Romains / 1
BS2665 .H65 1864 Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. 1
BS2665 .H67 2009 Prolegomena to St. Paul's epistles to the Romans and the Ephesians / 1
BS2665 (INTERNET) Sapientia justificata, or, A vindication of the fifth chapter to the Romans and therein of the glory of the divine attributes, and that in the question or case of original sin, against any way of erroneous understanding it, whether old or new : more especially, an answer to Dr. Jeremy Taylors Deus justificatus /
A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, March the 13th, 1691/2
A commentarie vpon the most diuine Epistle of S. Paul to the Romanes Containing for matter, the degeneration of our nature by Adams Fall; and the restauration thereof, by the grace of Christ. Together with the perfection of faith, and the imbecillity of workes, in the cause of iustification of elect sinners before God. For forme and maner of handling, it hath the coherence and method, the summe and scope, the interpretations & doctrines the reasons and vses, of most texts. /
The antidote, or, A seasonable discourse on Rom. 13. 1 shewing the necessity and reasonableness of subjection to the higher powers : with an account of the divine right or original of government /
An apology for the mysteries of the Gospel being a sermon preached at White-Hall, Feb. 16, 1672/3 /
Some observations, upon that portion of scripture, Romans 14.20 For the service of such in this present age, whose eyes, and hearts the Lord shall please to open to see and consider the weight of the truth thereof. With some few weighty words of advice to several sorts of people, according to their different states. /
The vvorldes resurrection, or, The generall calling of the Iewes A familiar commentary vpon the eleuenth chapter of Saint Paul to the Romaines, according to the sence of Scripture, and the consent of the most iudicious interpreters, wherein aboue fiftie notable questions are soundly answered, and the particular doctrines, reasons and vses of euery verse, are profitable and plainly deliuered. /
Against resistance of lawful powers a sermon preached at White-Hall, Novemb. Vth, 1661 /
A sermon delivered at Maidston in Kent, at the assizes there held, August 23, 1641
A sermon touching the peace and edification of the church preached at the second triennial visitation of the right reverend father in God, Francis Lord Bishop of Peterborough, at Daventry in Northamptonshire, July 12. 1637 /
Three heauenly treatises vpon the eight chapter to the Romanes Viz. 1 Heauen opened. 2 The right way to eternall glory. 3 The glorification of a Christian : vvherein the counsaile of God concerning mans saluation is so manifested, that all men may see the Ancient of dayes, the Iudge of the World, in his generall iustice court, absoluing the Christian from sinne and death : which is the first benefit wee haue by our lord Iesus Christ /
The sinners sanctuary, or, A discovery made of those glorious priviledges offered unto the penitent and faithful under the Gospel unfolding their freedom from death, condemnation, and the law, in fourty sermons upon Romans, Chap. 8 /
The unconquerable, all-conquering, & more-then-conquering souldier, or, The successful warre which a believer wageth with the enemies of his soul as also, the absolute and unparalleld victory that he obtains finally over them through the love of God in Jesus Christ : as it was discussed in a sermon preached at Boston in New-England, on the day of the artillery-election there, June 3d., 1692 /
The things that make for peace delivered in a sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen, at Guild-Hall Chappel, upon the 23 of August, 1674 /
A sermon preached before the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, in the Abbey-church at Westminster on the fifth of November, 1691 /
Free grace exalted, and thence deduced evangelical rules for evangelical sufferings : in two discourses made 29 March, and 10 May 1670, from Rom. 5, 21.
The necessity of subjection asserted in an assise-sermon preached in the Cathedral Church at Sarum, July 17, 1681 /
A sermon preached at Mapple-Durham in Oxfordshire, and published at the request of Sir Richard Blount
A fruitfull sermon, vpon the verses of the 12. chapiter of the Epistle of S. Paule to the Romanes very necessarie for these times to be read of all men, for their further instruction and edification, in things concerning their fayth and obedience to saluation.
A compendious introduccion prologe or preface vn to the pistle off Paul to the Romayns.
Hexapla, that is, A six-fold commentarie vpon the most diuine Epistle of the holy apostle S. Paul to the Romanes wherein according to the authors former method, sixe things are obserued in euery chapter ... : wherein are handled the greatest points of Christian religion ... : diuided into two bookes.
Gods drawing, and mans coming to Christ discovered in 32 sermons on John 6. 44 : with the difference between a true inward Christian, and the outward formalist, in three sermons on Rom. 2. 28, 29 /
A sermon preached to the honourable Society of Lincolns-Inne
A sermon preached at the assizes at Chelmsford, in the county of Essex, August 31, 1685 before the Honourable Sir Thomas Street, Kt., one of the judges of His Majesty's Court of Common Pleas /
A defence of the true sence and meaning of the words of the Holy Apostle, Rom. chap. 4, ver. 3, 5, 9 in an answer to sundry arguments gathered from the forenamed Scriptures by Mr. Iohn Goodwin, which answer was first dispersed without the authors name, but since acknowledged by Mr George Walker : together with a reply to the former answer, or, animadversions upon some of the looser and fouler passages thereof /
BS2665 .J33 Several sermons preach'd on the whole eighth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans eighteen of which preach'd on the first, second, third, fourth verses are here published : wherein the saints exemption from condemnation, the mystical union, the spiritual life, the dominion of sin and the spirits agency in freeing from it, the law's inability to justifie and save, Christ's mission, eternal sonship, incarnation, his being an expiatory sacrifice, fulfilling the laws righteousness (which is imputed to believers) are opened, confirmed, vindicated, and applied /
Several sermons preach'd on the whole eighth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans eighteen of which preach'd on the first, second, third, fourth verses are here published : wherein the saints exemption from condemnation, the mystical union, the spiritual life, the dominion of sin and the spirits agency in freeing from it, the law's inability to justifie and save, Christ's mission, eternal sonship, incarnation, his being an expiatory sacrifice, fulfilling the laws righteousness (which is imputed to believers) are opened, confirmed, vindicated, and applied /
BS2665 .J494 2018eb Romans : a Comprehensive Verse-by-Verse Exploration of the Bible. 1
BS2665 .K42 A medium betwixt two extremes
A medium betwixt two extremes wherein it is proved that the whole first Adam was condemned and the whole second Adam justified : being a sermon lately preached on Rom. 8:1 and now published to prevent the further controversy (in one main point) about justification : to which are added reflections on some passages in Mr. Clark's new book called Scripture-Justification /
BS2665 .K76 2011 Erasmus in the footsteps of Paul : a Pauline theologian /
Erasmus in the Footsteps of Paul.
BS2665 .K76 2011eb Erasmus in the Footsteps of Paul / 1
BS2665 .L36 1875 Commentary on Paul's letter to Romans : with a revised Greek text, compiled from the recent authors and a new translation / 1
BS2665 .L38 A sermon preached at the anniversary meeting of the Eaton-scholars at St. Mary le Bow, on Nov. 22d, 1683
God manifested by his works, and justified in his dealings with men a sermon preached at the cathedral church of Sarum, upon the 29th day of June, 1677 /
BS2665 .L7613 Lectures on Romans / 1
BS2665 .L87 A methodicall preface prefixed before the Epistle of S. Paule to the Romanes very necessary and profitable for the better vnderstandyng of it / 1
BS2665 .M34 The inseparable communion of a believer with God in his love being the substance of several sermons preached on Rom. VIII 38, 39 / 2
BS2665 .M39 Sanctification by faith vindicated in a discourse on the seventh chapter of the epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, compared with the sixth and eighth chapters of the same epistle / 2
BS2665 .M685 1940 The Epistle to the Romans / 1
BS2665 .O6914 2009 Commentaire sur l'Épître aux Romains / 1
BS2665 .O75 1957 Le commentaire d'Origène sur Rom. III. 5 - V. 7, d'après les extraits du Papyrus no. 88748 du Musée du Caire et les fragments de la Philocalie et du Vaticanus Gr. 762. : Essai de reconstitution du texte et de la pensée des tomes V et VI du "Commentaire sur l'Épître aux Romains," /
Le commentaire d'Origène sur Rom. III. 5-7. 7 : d'après les extraits du papyrus no 88748 du Musée du Caire et les fragments de la Philocalie et du Vaticanus Gr. 762 : essai de reconstitution du texte et de la pensée des tomes V et VI du "Commentaire sur l'Épître aux Romains" /