BS2675.52 .P373 2009
Juristische Begriffe im ersten Korintherbrief des Paulus : eine semantisch-lexikalische Untersuchung auf der Basis der zeitgenössischen griechischen Papyri / |
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BS2675.52 .P38 2003
Paul and the Corinthians : studies on a community in conflict : essays in honour of Margaret Thrall / |
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BS2675.52 .R43 2011eb
Redescribing Paul and the Corinthians / |
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BS2675.52 .R63 2011eb
Authentic church : true spirituality in a culture of counterfeits / |
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BS2675.52 .S344 2013eb
Rethinking Paul's rhetorical education : comparative rhetoric and 2 Corinthians 10-13 / |
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BS2675.52 .S43 2014
Second Corinthians in the perspective of late second temple Judaism / |
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BS2675.52 .T43 2017eb
Sex, Christ, and Embodied Cognition : Paul's Wisdom for Corinth. |
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BS2675.52 .W37 2011eb
Snatched into Paradise (2 Cor 12 : Paul's Heavenly Journey in the Context of Early Christian Experience. |
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BS2675.52 .W44 2011eb
An end to enmity : Paul and the "wrongdoer" of Second Corinthians / |
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BS2675.52 .W52 2008
2 Corinthians, a letter about reconciliation : a psychagogical, epistolographical, and rhetorical analysis / |
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BS2675.52 .Y34 2015
Paul's sexual and marital ethics in 1 Corinthians 7 : an African-Cameroonian perspective / |
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BS2675.53 .C65 2005
Enigmes de la Deuxieme Epitre de Paul aux Corinthiens / |
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BS2675.53 .J65 2007
John 11-21 / |
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BS2675.53 .K44 2005eb
1-2 Corinthians / |
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BS2675.53 .M38 2003
II Corinthians : a commentary / |
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BS2675.53 .P76 2015eb
First and Second Corinthians / |
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BS2675.53 .S45 2014eb
The second letter to the Corinthians / |
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BS2675.53 .S95 2017
Swindoll's living insights : New Testament commentary : 1 & 2 Corinthians / |
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BS2675.53 .S95 2017eb
Insights on 1 & 2 Corinthians / |
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BS2675.53 ebook
Primera carta del apóstol san Pablo a los cristianos de Corinto : comentario / |
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