Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS2705 .B253 1962 The epistle to the Philippians. 1
BS2705 .B47 The Best choyce a funerall sermon / 1
BS2705 .C76 A sermon preached before the King at White-hal [sic] April the 12th, 1674 2
BS2705 .E44 The new proclamation, in ansvver to a letter 2
BS2705 (INTERNET) A sermon preached before the peers in the Abby Church at Westminster, November 7, 1666 being a day of solemn humiliation for the continuing pestilence /
A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall on Easter-Day, March 27, 1692
Richard Baxter's dying thoughts upon Phil. I, 23 written for his own life and the latter times of his corporal pains and weakness.
A brief exposition of the Epistles of Paul to the Philippians and Colossians
A sermon preached at the funeral of the Reverend Richard Meggot D.D. and late Dean of Winchester, Decemb. 10th, 1692 at Twickenham
A sermon preached before the King at White-hal [sic] April the 12th, 1674
Mercy in her beauty, or, The height of a deliverance from the depth of danger set forth in the first sermon preached upon that occasion /
BS2705 .L7 1953 Saint Paul's Epistle to the Philippians : a revised text, with introduction, notes, and dissertations / 1
BS2705 .M53 1928 The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians / 1
BS2705 .P37 1601 The true gaine more in worth then all the goods in the world. 1
BS2705 .R43 Metaschēmatismos, or, A sermon preached Octob. 10 on the sad occasion of the funeral of that faithful reverend and faithful minister of Christ in London, Mr. Thomas Brooks, who departed this life Septemb. 27, 1680 2
BS2705 .R52 An exposytion in Englyshe vpon the Epistyll of saynt Paule to the Philippia[n]s/ for the instruction of them that be vnlerned in to[n]ges: gathered out of holy scriptures/ & of the olde catholike doctours of the church/ & of the best authors that now adayes do write. / 1
BS2705 .S82 1698 Sermon I. on Phil. IV. 11. 1
BS2705 .S84 The mischief of separation a sermon preached at Guild-Hall Chappel May 11, 1680, being the first Sunday in Easter-term, before the lord mayor &c. / 2
BS2705 .T86 1633 A sermon preached on Palme-Sunday, before King Henry the VIII 1
BS2705.2 Function of Suffering in Philippians. 1
BS2705.2 .B67 1995 Philippi : Stadt und Christengemeinde zur Zeit des Paulus / 1
BS2705.2 .M3 Carmen Christi; Philippians ii. 5-11 in recent interpretation and in the setting of early Christian worship / 1
BS2705.2 .P47 1995 Paul's letter to the Philippians in the light of disunity in the church / 1
BS2705.2 .R43 1997eb A discourse analysis of Philippians : method and rhetoric in the debate over literary integrity / 1
BS2705.3 .B4 1959a A commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians. 1
BS2705.3 .B78 1983 Philippians / 1