Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS440 .R74 Short dictionary of Bible themes / 1
BS440 .S29 2009 A concise dictionary of the Bible and its reception / 1
BS440 .S58 1899 The students' pronouncing Bible dictionary and concordance : being a complete index to the Holy Scriptures in which the various person, places and subjects mentioned are accurately referred to and every word briefly explained. Together with a chronological arrangement of the whole bible, by which the scriptures may be read in one connected narrative. Prefaced by A history of the Bible / 1
BS440 .S6 1868 A dictionary of the Bible. 1
BS440 .S6 1868a A dictionary of the Bible : comprising its antiquities, biography, geography, and natural history / 1
BS440 .S62 1868 Dr. William Smith's dictionary of the Bible... 1
BS440 .S64 1867 A comprehensive dictionary of the Bible : mainly abridged from Dr. Wm. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, but comprising important additions and improvements from the works of Robinson, Gesenius, Fürst ... and many other eminent scholars, commentators, travellers, and authors in various departments / 1
BS440 .S67 1925 Peloubet's Bible dictionary / 1
BS440 .S67 1966 The new Smith's Bible dictionary. 1
BS440 .T49  
BS440 .T49 1980 Theological wordbook of the Old Testament / 1
BS440 .U5 1988 The new Unger's Bible dictionary / 1
BS440 .W45 1655 A complete Christian dictionary wherein the significations and several acceptations of all the words mentioned in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New-Testament are fully opened, expressed, explained : also, very many ambiguous speeches, hard and difficult phrases therein contained, are plainly interpreted, cleered, and expounded : with a particular dictionary for the [brace] Canticles, or Song of solomon, Epistle to the Hebrews, Revelation of St. John : all tending to the increase of Christian knowledge, and serving for the use of all, especially the unlearned, who have no skill in the originall languages, Hebrew and Greek, wherein the Scriptures were first written ... /
A complete Christian dictionary wherein the significations and several acceptations of all the words mentioned in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New-Testament are fully opened, expressed, explained : also, very many ambiguous speeches, hard and difficult phrases therein contained, are plainly interpreted, cleered, and expounded : with a particular dictionary for the [brace] Canticles, or Song of solomon, Epistle to the Hebrews, Revelation of St. John : all tending to the increase of Christian knowledge, and serving for the use of all, especially the unlearned, who have no skill in the originall languages, Hebrew and Greek, wherein the Scriptures were first written ... /
BS440 .W45 1678 A complete Christian dictionary wherein the significations and several acceptations of all the words mentioned in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are fully opened, expressed, explained ... / 2
BS440 .W55 1648 A Christian dictionary opening the significations of the chiefe words dispersed generally through Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed, a particular dictionary for [brace] the revelation of S. John. The canticles or Song of Solomon. The epistle to the Hebrews. / 1
BS440 .Y68 1969 Young readers dictionary of the Bible : for use with the Revised standard version of the Bible. 1
BS440 .Z6 The Zondervan pictorial Bible dictionary / 1
BS440 eBook Diccionario bíblico abreviado 1
BS440 ebook Gran diccionario de la Biblia /
Palabra interior e inspiración de la Sagrada Escritura /
BS443 .D38x The analytical Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon : every word and inflection of the Hebrew Old Testament arranged alphabetically and with grammatical analyses : a complete series of Hebrew and Chaldee paradigms, with grammatical remarks and explanations / 1