Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BS558.C45 B525 1982 | Sheng jing gu shi / | 1 |
BS558.C45 B525 2000z | Sheng jing : he he ben. | 1 |
BS558.C5 H8 1964 | Jiu yue zhong di gu shi / | 1 |
BS558.L3 S52 1623 | Bibliorum summula, hoc est, Argumenta singulorum capitum scripturæcanonicæ, vtriusque testamenti, alphabeticè distichis comprehensa vt lecta memoriæ fœliciùs committantur, vel elapsa faciliùs revocentur. | 1 |
BS558.U38 ebook | Personajes anónimos del Evangelio : encuentros de Jesús en los Evangelios Sinópticos / | 1 |
BS559 .B85 | Scriptural poems being several portions of Scripture digested into English verse / | 2 |
BS559 .H62 | Sion and Parnassus, or, Epigrams on severall texts of the Old and New Testament to which are added [brace] A poem on the Passion, A hymn on the resurrection, ascention, and feast of Pentecost / | 2 |
The songs of the Old and New Testament in meeter A briefe of the Bible Scriptural poems being several portions of Scripture digested into English verse / A spirituall song conteining an historicall discourse from the infancie of the world, vntill this present time : setting downe the treacherous practises of the wicked, against the children of God : describing also the markes and ouerthrow of antichrist, with a thankesgiuing to God for the preseruation of her Maiestie, and of his Church / |
4 |
BS559 .O35 | Of the incomparable treasure of the Holy Scriptures with a prayer for the true use of the same. | 1 |
BS559 .O44 1843 | Ruth, the Moabitess : a poem, in seven scenes, with notes. | 1 |
BS559 .P37 1553 | A true and lyuely historyke purtreatures of the vvoll Bible | 1 |
BS559 .P724 |
The Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of the Old and New Testament faithfully translated into English metre : for the use, edification, and comfort of the Saints in publick and private, especially in New-England. The Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of the Old and New Testament faithfully translated into English metre : for the use, edification, and comfort of the Saints in publick and private, especially in New-England .. |
2 |
BS559 .S29 1955 | The story of Adam and Christ / | 1 |
BS560 .A3 1836b | A new hieroglyphical Bible : with four hundred embellishments on wood. | 1 |
BS560 .J6 1943 | Small rain : verses from the Bible / | 1 |
BS560 .P53 1850z | Pictures to the biblical history. | 1 |
BS560 .T8 | And it was so. / | 1 |
BS569 .B76 | A direction to finde all those names expressed in that large table of genealogies of Scripture lately gathered by I.S. whereof the first number serueth for the side margentes, and the later answerable to the highest fygures. | 1 |
A defence of the holy genealogies whose ignorance hath greatly hurt the Iewes, and hundered Christianitie. An aduertisement of corruption in our handling of religion To the Kings Majestie. / A cloud of vvitnesses and they the holy genealogies of the sacred Scriptures. Confirming vnto vs the truth of the histories in Gods most holy word, and the humanitie of Christ Iesus. The second addition. / A direction to finde all those names expressed in that large table of genealogies of Scripture lately gathered by I.S Whereof the first number serueth for the side margentes, and the later answerable to the highest fygures. |
4 |
BS569 .J6 | The purpose of the Biblical genealogies : with special reference to the setting of the genealogies of Jesus / | 1 |