Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BS580.J4 B48 | Jeremiah: man and prophet. | 1 |
BS580.J4 B6 1645 | A bottle of holy tears, or, Jeremies threnes and lamentaions for Israels misery and Ierusalems woefull desolation, metrically and metaphrastically laid out in verse, explaining plainely the meaning of the prophet in his lamenting phrases. Very suitable to these times, wherein we have a call every day to learne the lessons of Englands lamentation, warre and plague having made a strong entrance into divers parts of the land, and leane famine and desolation knocking at the doore for entrance. | 1 |
BS580.J4 R3 1967x | Study in Jeremiah / | 1 |
BS580.J4 V3 | Jeremias; man of tears. | 1 |
BS580.J44 T64 1993 | Monarchy and religious institution in Israel under Jeroboam I / | 1 |
BS580.J446 L39 2017eb | Jethro and the Jews : Jewish biblical interpretation and the question of identity / | 1 |
BS580.J45 G35 1999 | Music in the old bones : Jezebel through the ages / | 1 |
BS580.J5 E87 | Job, a vision of God / | 1 |
BS580.J5 K33 1975 |
Job's illness : loss, grief, and integration : a psychological interpretation / Job's illness loss, grief, and integration : a psychological interpretation / |
2 |
BS580.J5 N4413 2009 |
The labor of Job : the biblical text as a parable of human labor / The labor of Job the biblical text as a parable of human labor / |
2 |
BS580.J55 | An ouersight, and deliberacion vpon the holy prophete Ionas: | 1 |
BS580.J55 H87 1984 | Jonah and the great fish / | 2 |
BS580.J57 T54 2023 | In search of Jonathan : Jonathan between the Bible and modern fiction / | 1 |
BS580.J6 B35 2008 | Loving Yusuf : conceptual travels from present to past / | 1 |
BS580.J6 B35 2008eb | Loving Yusuf : conceptual travels from present to past / | 1 |
BS580.J6 B375 1893 | Die Geschichte Josefs angeblich verfasst von Basilius dem Grossen aus Cäsarea , | 1 |
BS580.J6 G55 1995 | The wiles of women/the wiles of men : Joseph and Potiphar's wife in ancient Near Eastern, Jewish, and Islamic folklore / | 1 |
BS580.J6 G55 1995eb | The wiles of women/the wiles of men : Joseph and Potiphar's wife in ancient Near Eastern, Jewish, and Islamic folklore / | 2 |
BS580.J6 G57 2006 | Las coplas de Yosef : entre la biblia y el midrash en la poesía Judeoespañola / | 1 |
BS580.J6 G655 2002 | Joseph, biblische Gestalt und literarische Figur : Thomas Manns Beitrag zur Bibelexegese / | 1 |