Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS585 .N67 2000 A history of the English Bible as literature / 1
BS585 .N67 2000eb A history of the English Bible as literature / 2
BS585 ebook Introducción al antiguo testamento. 1
BS586.C2 M64 1982 A history of biblical studies in Canada : a sense of proportion / 1
BS586.I74 I74 2018 Ireland and the reception of the Bible : social and cultural perspectives / 1
BS586.U6 B53 1982 The Bible in American education : from sourcebook to textbook / 1
BS587 .N413 A Biblical introduction to the New Testament / 1
BS587 .T67 1835 Exhortacion del obispo de Astorga al clero y pueblo de su diócesi á que lean con viva fe y humildad de corazon las santas Ecrituras : segun los deseos y reglas de nuestra Madre La Iglesia, para preservarse de la impiedad y de la supersticion ... / 1
BS587 .T673 1839 [Pastoral y reflexiones de Don Félix Torres Amat, Obispo de Astorga, para recordar que la lectura de las biblias en castellano sin nota alguna y en ediciones extranjeras sin los textos de Tobías, Judith, Sabiduría, Eclesiástico, Baruch y Macabeos, está justamente prohibida] 1
BS590 .D62 The doctrine of the Bible: or, rules of discipline: briefely gathered through the whole course of the Scripture, by way of questions and answers .. 1
BS591 .S92 Survey of the Bible / 1
BS592 .H883 2018eb Mark : a Comprehensive Verse-by-Verse Exploration of the Bible. 1
BS592 .W3 "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial." 1
BS597.F6 A2 1990 [Sobranie sochineniĭ] / 1
BS600.A2 1630 The doctrine of the Bible. Or, Ruvles of discipline. Briefly gathered through the whole course of the Scripture, by way of questions and answers. 1
BS600.A2 (INTERNET) The childes trade, or, The beginning of the doctrine of Christ whereby babes may have milk, children bread broken, the simple wisdome, and the dark a candle ... /
The judgment of Archbishop Cranmer concerning the peoples right to, and discreet use of the H. Scriptures
The lively oracles given to us, or, The Christians birth-right and duty, in the custody and use of the Holy Scripture
BS600 .H3 How to study the Bible : the second coming and other expositions / 1
BS600 .P54 Keys to the word, or, help to Bible study / 1
BS600.2 B378 2017  
BS600.2 .B769 2015eb What they don't tell you : a survivor's guide to biblical studies / 1