Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS630 .R37 1989 The Zondervan NIV atlas of the Bible / 1
BS630 .R6 1985 Atlas of the Bible / 2
BS630 .R6 1991 The Bible / 2
BS630 .S12 Sacred geographie; or, Scriptural mapps 1. of all the earth, and water, at the creation. 2. of Paradice, and the countries circumjacent, inhabited by the patriarks. 3. Israels forty years perigrination through the wilderness. 4. Canaan, or the land of promise. 5. The travels of S. Paul, and other the apostles. 6. Jerusalem, as it stood in our Saviours time / 1
BS630 .S5 The geographical and topographical texts of the Old Testament : a concise commentary in XXXII chapters. 1
BS630 .S63 2013 The SPCK Bible atlas : the events, people and places of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation / 1
BS630 .V67 2003 Wycliffe historical geography of Bible lands / 1
BS630 .W7 The Westminster historical atlas to the Bible / 1
BS630 .W7 1956 The Westminster historical atlas to the Bible / 1
BS630 ebook Atlas de la Biblia referencias alfabetico y tabla cronologica. 1
BS633 .T86 Divine struggle for human salvation : biblical convictions in their historical setting / 1
BS635.A2 C37 1573 Dialogorum sacrorum libri quatuor 1
BS635.A2 C37 1574 Dialogorum sacrorum libri quatuor 1
BS635.A2 C37 1601 Dialogorum sacrorum libri quatuor. 1
BS635.A2 C37 1619 Dialogorum sacrorum libri quatuor 1
BS635.A2 C37 1636 Dialogorum sacrorum libri IIII et ad linguam rectè formandam & ad vitam sanctè instituendam, Christianæ juventuti apprimè utiles / 1
BS635.A2 C37 1671 Dialogorum sacrorum libri IIII. Et ad linguam rectè formandam, & ad vitam sanctè instituendam, Christianæ juventuti apprimè utiles. / 1
BS635.A2 F6 1691 The history of the Old and New Testament extracted out of sacred scripture and writings of the fathers for the government of our actions in all conditions. ; Illustrated with sculptures; aptly and acurately delineated and engraven by good artists, for the better and more lively representation thereof. / 1
BS635.A2 F66 1697 The history of the Old and New Testament extracted out of sacred scripture and writings of the fathers to which are added the lives, travels, and sufferings of the apostles, with a large and exact historical chronology of all the affairs and actions related in the Bible, the whole illustrated with two hundred thirty four sculptures and three maps delineated and engraved by artists / 1
BS635.A2 (INTERNET) The history of the Old and New Testament extracted out of sacred Scripture and writings of the fathers : to which are added the lives, travels and sufferings of the apostles : with a large and exact historical chronology of all the affairs and actions related in the Bible : the whole illustrated with two hundred thirty four sculptures, and three maps, delineated and engraved by good artists /
Directions for the priuate reading of the Scriptures wherein besides the number of chapters assigned to euery day, the order and drift of the whole Scriptures is methodically set downe: and choice rules (that shew how to read with profit) are likewise giuen: the vse whereof is shewed in the preface. /
A defence of Arch-bishop Usher against Dr. Cary and Dr. Isaac Vossius together with an introduction concerning the uncertainty of chronology ... /