Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS646 .C475 2022 Aztec and Maya Apocalypses Old World Tales of Doom in a New World Setting. 1
BS646 .C65 1984 The apocalyptic imagination : an introduction to the Jewish matrix of Christianity / 1
BS646.C65 2016 The apocalyptic imagination : an introduction to Jewish apocalyptic literature / 1
BS646 .C65 2016eb The apocalyptic imagination : an introduction to Jewish apocalyptic literature / 1
BS646 .C655 2018 Mysiticism in Early Judaism and Christianity. 1
BS646 .C657 1997 Seers, sybils, and sages in Hellenistic-Roman Judaism / 1
BS646 .C658 2005eb Conflicted boundaries in wisdom and apocalypticism / 1
BS646 .D4 To all nations, kindreds, languages, tongues, and people with your princes and rulers and all people from the highest to the lowest. This to you is the word of the Lord God. 1
BS646 .E44 Of times and seasons, their mystery
The revelation interpreted
A prophesie of the last day to be revealed in the last times and then the cutting off the church, and of the redemption out of hell : the word of God /
The bill of excommunication for abolishing henceforth the Sabbath called Sunday or first day /
The [second] co[mming of Our] Lo[rd]
BS646 .F73 2009 Poetry and apocalypse : theological disclosures of poetic language / 1
BS646 .G72 2003eb Knowing the end from the beginning : the prophetic, the apocalyptic, and their relationships / 1
BS646 .H35 Englnads [sic] alarum-bell to be rung in the eares of all true Christians, to awaken them out of dead sleep of sin and securitie, that they may arme themselves by prayer and repentance, and seek the Lord while he may be found, before the evill day commeth /
The dawn of apocalyptic /
BS646 .H67 2010 Revolt of the scribes : resistance and apocalyptic origins / 1
BS646 (INTERNET) The breaking of the day of God wherein, four things are manifested : I. That the two witnesses are not in ki[ll]ing, but in rising from death, II. The three dayes and half, or 42. months of the saints captivity under the beast, very near expired, III. Christ hath begun to reign in his saints, and to tread their corrupt flesh under his feet, IIII. Christs dominion over the nations of the world, near the approach /
A reuelation of the holy Apocalyps
Christus triumphans comoedia apocalyptica /
The arrogancy of reason against divine revelations, repressed, or, Proud ignorance the cause of infidelity, and of mens quarrelling with the word of God
The trial of the ladies Hide Park, May Day, or, The yellow books partner
BS646 .K56 2023 The intertextuality of Paul's apocalyptic discourse : an examination of its cultural relation and heteroglossia / 1
BS646 .M55 New Testament apocalyptic / 1
BS646 .N47 The signs of the times, or, VVonderful signs of wonderful times being a faithful collection and impartial relation of several signs and wonders, call'd properly prodigies, (together with some philosophical and theological descants upon them) which have been seen in the heavens, on the earth, and on the waters, as they have been testifyed by very credible hands, all of which have hapned within the compass of this last year 1680 : which may well be called another annus mirabilis, or wonderful year, wherein the Lord hath given us loud warnings to repent of our sins and return to him, that he may have mercy upon us /
The signs of the times, or, VVonderful signs of wonderful times being a faithful collection and impartial relation of several signs and wonders, call'd properly prodigies, (together with some philosophical and theological descants upon them) which have been seen in the heavens, on the earth, and on the waters, as they have been testifyed by very credible hands, all of which have hapned within the compass of this last year 1680 : which may well be called another annus mirabilis, or wonderful year, wherein the Lord hath given us loud warnings to repent of our sins and return to him, that he may have mercy upon us /
BS646 .O26 1993 Mount Zion : the mystery of God / 1
BS646 .O74 2009eb Theology and the spaces of apocalyptic / 2
BS646 .O94 2014 The Oxford handbook of apocalyptic literature / 1