Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT100 .D8 | Petri Molinæi De cognitione Dei tractatus | 1 |
BT100 .D8 1634 | A treatise of the knowledge of God. | 1 |
BT100.D86 T47 1978 | Contra quodlibet Iohannis Duns Scoti / | 1 |
BT100 .E27 1974 | Parisian questions and prologues / | 1 |
BT100.E32 D4 1985 | Theism in the discourse of Jonathan Edwards / | 1 |
BT100.F73 D52 | A dialogue by way of question and answer concerning the deity all the responses being taken verbatim out of the Scriptures. | 1 |
BT100 .G4 1659 | The mischiefes and danger of the sin of ignorance, or, Ignorance arraigned, with the causes, kinds, and cure thereof. As also, the excellency, profit, and benefit of heavenly knowledge. / | 1 |
BT100 .G74 | Meth hemon ho theos, or, The doctrine of a God and providence vindicated and asserted | 2 |
BT100 .G89 2000 | Zur Gottesfrage bei Augustinus, Thomas von Aquin und Hegel / | 1 |
BT100 .H36 1962 | God, some conversations : a translation / | 1 |
BT100 .H37 | Aut Deus aut nihil God or nothing, or, a logicall method comprised in twelve propositions, deducing from the actual being of what we evidently experience, the unavoidable necessity of a God, against the atheists of our age and nation / | 2 |
BT100.H4 S35 1967 | Herders schrift "Gott" und ihre aufnahme bei Goethe / | 1 |
BT100.H46 L32 1999 | Deus, primum cognitum : die Lehre von Gott als dem Ersterkannten des menschlichen Intellekts bei Heinrich von Gent (gest. 1293) / | 1 |
BT100 .H65 1983 | Exploring the boundaries of reason : three questions on the nature of God / | 1 |
BT100.H65 K46 1993 | The philosophy of Robert Holcot, fourteenth-century skeptic / | 1 |
BT100 .I7 | Unpremeditated thoughts of the knowledge of God, whom to know, is life eternal. With some discoveries of the mysteries of creation, in the six days work, and the seventh days rest. : To which is added, a short discourse concerning those two great principles of natural philosophy, matter and motion. / | 1 |
The image of God, or, Laie mans boke in which the right knowledge of God is disclosed, and diuerse doubtes besides the principal matter / Ravvleigh his ghost., or, A feigned apparition of Syr VValter Rawleigh to a friend of his, for the translating into English, the booke of Leonard Lessius (that most learned man) entituled, De prouidentia numinis, & animi immortalitate: written against atheists, and polititians of these dayes. / Considerations of the existence of God and of the immortality of the soul, with the recompences of the future state for the cure of infidelity, the hectick evil of the times / A demonstration of the existence and providence of God, from the contemplation of the visible structure of the greater and the lesser world in two parts, the first shewing the excellent contrivance of the heavens, earth, sea, &c., the second the wonderful formation of the body of man / The first principles of the oracles of God Atheomastix clearing foure truthes, against atheists and infidels : 1. That, there is a God. 2. That, there is but one God. 3. That, Iehouah, our God, is that one God. 4. That, the Holy Scripture is the Word of that God : all of them proued, by naturall reasons, and secular authorities, for the reducing of infidels, and, by Scriptures, and Fathers, for the confirming of Christians / Remaines of that reverend and learned divine, Iohn Preston, Dr. in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majesty, master of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolnes-Inne containing three excellent treatises, namely, Iudas's repentance. The saints spirituall strength. Pauls conversion. |
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BT100 .K65 | Dialogus de mundi contemptu vel amore / | 1 |
BT100 .M33 2011 | Faith order understanding : natural theology in the Augustinian tradition / | 1 |
BT100 .N48 | The best acquaintance and highest honour of Christians, or, A discourse of acquaintance with God | 2 |