Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT99 .R8 | The originall of the dominion of princes, founded upon Gods soveraignty over the whole earth, or, The kingly prerogative, instituted by God, and proved from the holy scriptures to be jure divino | 2 |
BT99 .S53 | A discourse concerning the object of religious worship, or, A scripture-proof of the unlawfulness of giving any religious worship to any other being besides the one sepream God. | 2 |
BT99 .S57 | A discourse concerning the object of religious worship, or, A Scripture proof of the unlawfulness of giving any religious worship to any other being besides the one supreme God part I. | 2 |
BT100 .B37 1677 | Considerations of the existence of God and of the immortality of the soul with the recompences of the future state : to which is now added The divinity of the Christian religion proved by the evidence of reason and divine revelation : for the cure of infidelity, the hectick evil of the times / | 2 |
BT100 .B47 1700 | A treatise clearly shewing, God's existence, the certainty of the Holy Scriptures, and the immortality of our souls Traité qui montre clairement, l'existence d'un Dieu, la certitude des Saintes Ecritures, et l'immortalité de nos ames : with the key of sciences, and way to eternal felicity / | 1 |
BT100 .B5 | Itinerarium mentis in deum. : Nach zwei Fragmenten aus Tegernsee in altbairischer Übertragung / | 1 |
BT100 .B56 1953 | The mind's road to God. / | 1 |
BT100 .B5613 1993 | The journey of the mind to God / | 1 |
BT100 .B562 1956 | Itinerarium mentis in Deum / | 1 |
BT100 .B65 | The arraignment and conviction of atheism, or, An exact and clear demonstration by natural arguments that there is a God presented to the view of all, but especially the learned / | 2 |
BT100 .B67 1990 | De la connoissance de Dieu et de soi-mesme / | 1 |
BT100 .B76 | An arke for all Gods Noahs in a gloomy, stormy day, or, The best wine reserved till last, or, The transcendent excellency of a believers portion above all earthly portions whatsoever | 2 |
BT100 .B76 1662 | An arke for all Gods Noahs in a gloomy, stormy day, or, The best wine reserved till last. Or, The transcendent excellency of a believers portion above all earthly portions whatsoever: discovered in several sermons, which may be of singular use at all times, but especially in these breaking times, wherein many have, and many daily do break for more than their all ... / | 1 |
BT100 .B87 |
Proofs of God's being and of the Scriptures divine original with twenty directions for the profitable reading of them : being the sum of several sermons desired by many hearers / Proofs of God's being, and of the Scriptures divine original. With twenty directions for the profitable reading of them. : Being the sum of several sermons desired by many hearers. / |
3 |
BT100 .C67 1569 | Tableau de l'oeuure de Dieu, 1569. | 1 |
BT100 .C67 1570 |
Tableau de l'oeuure de Dieu Diuinorum operum tabula. Articuli veteris Testamenti. Articuli noui Testamenti. / |
2 |
BT100 .C74 2002 | L'infinité divine dans la théologie médiévale, 1220-1255 / | 1 |
BT100 .D58 | The Divine unity once more asserted, or, Some consideration tending to prove that God is but one single being and that the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is he in a letter to a friend. | 2 |
BT100 .D72 1637 | The divine lanthorne, or, A sermon preached in S. Pauls church appointed for the crosse the 17. of July M.DC.XXXVI. | 1 |
BT100 .D8 | Petri Molinæi De cognitione Dei tractatus | 1 |