Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT1030 .H54 1639 The first principles of a Christian questions and answers upon the Creed, the Ten Commandements, the sacraments, and the Lords prayer, for the further opening of the ordinary catechisme : very fit to be learned of all children / 1
BT1030 .H55 1636 The first principles of a Christian. Questions and answers upon the Creed, the Ten Commandements, the Sacraments, and the Lords Prayer, for the further opening of the ordinary Catechisme. Very fit to be learned of all children. / 1
BT1030 .H56 1626 A path to pietie, leading to the way, the truth and the life, Christ Iesus. Drawne vpon the ground, and according to the rule of faith. / 1
BT1030 .H67 An easie entrance into the principles of religion set down for the preparatio[n] of the vnlearned sort to the right receiuing of the holy Supper of our onely Sauiour Iesus Christ / 1
BT1030 (INTERNET) A briefe & necessary instruction verye needefull to bee knowen of all housholders, whereby they maye the better teach and instruct their families in such points of Christian religion as is most meete : not onely of them throughly to be vnderstood, but also requisite to be learned by hart of all suche as shall bee admitted vnto the Lordes Supper.
Points of instruction for the ignorant as also, an expositition on the ten commandements, and the Lords Prayer, by questions and answeres. With an examination before our comming to the Lords table. And a short direction for spending of time well. /
A briefe catecheticall exposition of Christian doctrine Diuided into foure catechismes, comprizing the doctrine of the 1. Two sacraments. 2. Lords prayer. 3. Ten commandements. 4. And the creed.
A pastime for parents:, or, A recreation to passe away the time contayning the most principall grounds of Christian religion. /
The saints encouragement in evil times, or, Observations concerning the martyrs in generall with some memorable collections out of Foxes three volumes. Martin Luther. The covenant and promises. Living and dying by faith /
The principles of the Christian religion explained in a brief commentary upon the church catechism. /
A short catechisme wherein are briefely laid downe the fundamentall principles of Christian religion. Needfull to be knowne of all such as come to the Lords Table. Whereunto is added morning and euening prayer for a family.
Short questions and answeares, conteyning the summe of Christian religion
The summe of Christianitie reduced vnto eight propositions, briefly and plainly confirmed out of the holy worde of God.
Catechismus, that is to say, a shorte instruction into Christian religion for the synguler commoditie and profyte of childre[n] and yong people
A rational catechism, or, An instructive conference between a father and son
The sicke-mans catechisme, or, Path-way to felicitie Wherin is contained great variety of sound directions and most sweete co[n]solations collected and contriued into questions and answers, out of the best diuines of our time /
The grounds of that doctrine which is according to godlinesse, or, A briefe and easie catechisme (gathered out of many other) with graces and prayers for them that want better helps. /
A breviate of saving knowledge, or, The principles of Christian religion methodically digested into short questions and answers
A most breefe manner of instruction, to the principles of Christian religion
Grounds of Christian religion laid downe briefly and plainely by way of question and answer /
Milk for babes, and meat for men, or, Principles necessary, to bee known and learned, of such as would know Christ here, or be known of him hereafter
A Christian catechisme, for the instruction of youth, and others to whom it may be useful in the grounds of Christian religion, and practice of Christian piety wherein the twelve articles of the Christian creed, and the Godhead and manhood natures of Christ and his prophetical, priestly, and kingly office are briefly explained : and the true Christian doctrin, concerning Christ his being a sufficient saviour, as he is both God and man : and with respect to both the absolute necessity, and excellent consistencie of his outward coming in the flesh, and his inward coming, and spiritual appearance in our hearts, through faith in him, and love and obedience to him, in order to our eternal salvation, declared and demonstrated by testimonies of Holy Scripture : and the divine excellency of the light within, in distinction from humane reason, asserted and vindicated : and the question concerning its sufficiency to salvation, truly stated and resolved : where also many other Gospel doctrins, and practical Christian truths and duties are held forth /
An appendix to Mr. Perkins his six principles of Christian religion
A briefe and necessarie catechisme, concerning the principall poynts of our Christian religion written for the good of all such as seeke after consolation in Christ /
The English version of Hugo Grotius, his catechism
BT1030 .J32 Epitome ugaiainonton logon, or, A taste of the truth as it is in Jesus consisting of ten questions and answers, and a brief exposition upon the same : whereunto are added ten generall directions ... intended chiefly for the benefit of my countreymen, kindred, and acquaintance in Lancashire / 1
BT1030 .K46 A new and useful catechism; very necessary and teachable both for children and young Christians. : Wherein is contained by way of question and answer a brief discovery ... / 1
BT1030 .K46 1699 A new and useful catechism very necessary and teachable both for children and young Christians : wherein is contained by way of question and answer a brief discovery ... / 2
BT1030 .L57 A briefe catechisme containing the summe of the Gospell of Iesus Christ, and his life, declared more at large by the foure euangelists, Mathew, Marke, Luke, and Iohn / 1
BT1030 .M34 The Maine grounds of religion vvithout the knowledge whereof none may presume to come to the Lords table here, or expect to communicate with him in glory hereafter : collected out of a more copious catechisme, and published especially for the benefit of such poore soules as want either money to buy, or time to learne, or memories to retain [brace] a larger treatise. 1
BT1030 .M37 A little catechism with little verses, and little sayings, for little children. 2
BT1030 .M44 A spirituall propine of a pastour to his people 2
BT1030 .M52 1560 A shorte and faithfull instruction, gathered out of Holy Scripture, composed in questions and answeres, for the edifieng and comfort of the simple Christians, whyche intende worthily to receyue the holye Supper of the Lorde 1
BT1030 .N67 1660 A brief catechisme containing the doctrine of godlines, or of living unto God 1
BT1030 .O63 1580 Short questions and answeares, conteyning the summe of Christian religion 1
BT1030 .O63 1582 Short questions and answeares, conteyning the summe of Christian religion. 1
BT1030 .O63 1598 Short questions and answeares, contayning the summe of Christian religion 1
BT1030 .O63 1602 Short questions and answeares, conteining the summe of Christian religion 1
BT1030 .O63 1603 Short questions and answeares, contayning the summe of Christian religion 1
BT1030 .O63 1633 Short questions and answeares conteining the summe of Christian religion 1