Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT1030 .D47 1574 [A briefe & necessary instruction verye needefull to bee knowen of all housholders] 1
BT1030 .D47 1577 A bryefe and necessary catechisme or instruction very needefull to be knowne of al housholders, wherby they may the better teache and instructe theyr families, in such pointes of Christian religion as is most meete : not onelye of them throughlye to be vnderstood, but also requisite to be learned by harte, of all such as shall be admitted vnto the Lords Supper. 1
BT1030 .D47 1581 A shorte catechisme for househoulders. With prayers to the same adioyning. 1
BT1030 .D47 1620 A short catechisme for housholders with praiers to the same adioyning. 1
BT1030 .D6 1661 The doctrine of the Bible, or, Rules of discipline. Briefly gathered thorow the whole course of the Scripture, by way of questions and answers. 1
BT1030 .D66 1699 A plain method of catechizing with a prefatory catechism shewing ministers, parents, masters ought to be teachers of the first principles of Christian doctrine, ignorant, young, old ought to be learners of the first principles of Christian doctrine / 2
BT1030 .D66 1699a A plain method of catechizing: with a prefatory catechism, shewing, ministers parents masters [bracket] ought to be teachers of [bracket] : Ignorant young old [bracket] ought to be learners of [bracket] the first principles of Christian doctrine. / 1
BT1030 .D7 1633 A practicall catechisme, or, A view of those principall truths of the word, which most directly tend to life and godlinesse divided into three parts : the first, shewing the misery of all men by nature, in respect of sinne and punishment, with the true use of the morrall law in that behalfe : the second, manifesting the remedy ordained by God to deliver them from this misery, together with the meane of receiving it, viz. faith, and how it may be attained : the third, declaring how those who are delivered, ought to order their whole conversation, with the meanes to procure it, the lets resisting, and the priviledges encouraging to it : serving for the use of those who first heard them taught, as also for all others who shall carefully peruse them / 1
BT1030 .D84 An enlargement of a former catechisme which contained in briefe the grounds and principles of Christian religion that shewed what we ought to beleeve, this upon what ground we ought so to beleeve, both which are necesseary in the faith of every Christian /
An enlargement of a former catechisme which contained in briefe the grounds and principles of Christian religion that shewed what we ought to beleeve, this upon what ground we ought so to beleeve, both which are necesseary in the faith of every Chirstian /
BT1030 .E43 A brief method of catechizing: wherein are handled these four points. 1. How miserable all men are by nature. 2. What remedy God hath appointed for their deliverance. 3. How they must live that are delivered. 4. What helps they must use to that end. : The same points are all contracted. 1
BT1030 .E43 1597 A briefe methode of catechising: wherein are handled these foure points. 1. How miserable all men are by nature. 2. What remedy God hath appointed for their deliuerance. 3. How they must liue that are deliuered. 4. What helps they must vse to that end. : The same pointes are also corrected, and a forme of examining communicants added. 1
BT1030 .E43 1617 A briefe method of catechizing. Wherein are handled these foure points: 1. How miserable all men are by nature. 2. What remedie God hath appointed for their deliuerance. 3. How they must liue that are deliuered, 4. What helpes they must vse to that end. The same points are also contracted, and a forme of examining communicants added; with graces before and after meat. 1
BT1030 .E43 1625 A briefe method of catechizing wherein are handled these foure points : 1. how miserable all men are by nature, 2. what remedie God hath appointed for their deliuerance, 3. how they must liue that are deliuered, 4. what helpes they must vse to that end : the same points are also contracted, and a forme of examining communicants added, with graces before and after meate. 1
BT1030 .E43 1644 A brief method of catechizing wherein are handled these foure points : 1. how miserable all men are by nature, 2. what remedy God hath appointed for their deliverance, 3. how they must live that are delivered, 4. what helpes they must use to that end : the same points are also contracted, and a form of examining comminicants added, with graces before and after meate. 2
BT1030 .E45 1700 The lambs of Christ fed with the sincere milk of the world in a short scripture-catechism / 1
BT1030 .E54 Eniautos, or, A course of catechizing being the marrow of all orthodox and practical expositions upon the church-catechism, and of all controversies upon the church-customs and observances : digested in LII heads for the LII Sundays in the year : useful for ministers and their people, school-masters and scholars, parents and children, masters and servants. 1
BT1030.F69 1657 A catechisme for children that they may come to learne of Christ, the light, the truth, the way, that leads to know the Father, the God of all truth / 1
BT1030 .G35 1588 A cathechisme: conteyning summarely the chief points of Christian religion: made dialogue-wise by brief questions, and short aunswers. / 1
BT1030 .G68 1627 A short catechisme wherein are briefely layd downe the fundamentall principles of Christian religion, needfull to be knowne of all such as come to the Lords table : whereunto are added sundry prayers. 1
BT1030 .G68 1631 A short catechisme, wherein are briefely layd downe the fundamentall principles of Christian religion. Needfull to be knowne of all such as come to the Lords table. : Whereunto are added sundry prayers. 1