Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT1030 .L57 | A briefe catechisme containing the summe of the Gospell of Iesus Christ, and his life, declared more at large by the foure euangelists, Mathew, Marke, Luke, and Iohn / | 1 |
BT1030 .M34 | The Maine grounds of religion vvithout the knowledge whereof none may presume to come to the Lords table here, or expect to communicate with him in glory hereafter : collected out of a more copious catechisme, and published especially for the benefit of such poore soules as want either money to buy, or time to learne, or memories to retain [brace] a larger treatise. | 1 |
BT1030 .M37 | A little catechism with little verses, and little sayings, for little children. | 2 |
BT1030 .M44 | A spirituall propine of a pastour to his people | 2 |
BT1030 .M52 1560 | A shorte and faithfull instruction, gathered out of Holy Scripture, composed in questions and answeres, for the edifieng and comfort of the simple Christians, whyche intende worthily to receyue the holye Supper of the Lorde | 1 |
BT1030 .N67 1660 | A brief catechisme containing the doctrine of godlines, or of living unto God | 1 |
BT1030 .O63 1580 | Short questions and answeares, conteyning the summe of Christian religion | 1 |
BT1030 .O63 1582 | Short questions and answeares, conteyning the summe of Christian religion. | 1 |
BT1030 .O63 1598 | Short questions and answeares, contayning the summe of Christian religion | 1 |
BT1030 .O63 1602 | Short questions and answeares, conteining the summe of Christian religion | 1 |
BT1030 .O63 1603 | Short questions and answeares, contayning the summe of Christian religion | 1 |
BT1030 .O63 1633 | Short questions and answeares conteining the summe of Christian religion | 1 |
BT1030 .O63 1641 | Short questions and answeares, contayning the summe of Christian religion | 1 |
BT1030 .O7 | An easie entraunce into the chiefe poynts of Christian religion gathered, and in a briefe order digested by a minister, for the better discharge of his duetie towards Gods people committed to his charge, and vnto them dedicated and giuen for a newyears-gifte : very necessary both for them and all other to knowe, that would be Christians in deed. | 1 |
BT1030 .P44 | The Christian doctrine, or, The foundation of Christian religion gathered into six principles necessarie for every man to learn / | 2 |
BT1030 .P47 |
The foundation of Christian religon gathered into six principles. And it is to be learned of ignorant people, that they may bee fit to heare sermons with profit, and to receive the Lords Supper with comfort. The fovndation of Christian religion gathered into six principles : and it is to be learned of ignorant people, that they may be fit to heare sermons with profit, and to receive the Lords Supper with comfort. The foundation of Christian religon gathered into sixe principles and it is to bee learned of ignorant people, that they may be fit to heare sermons with profit, and to receive the Lords Supper with comfort. The foundation of Christian religion gathered into six principles and it is to be learned of ignorant people, that they may bee fit to hear sermons with profit, and to receive the Lords Supper with comfort. |
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BT1030 .P47 1630 | Milk for babes, and meat for men, or, Principles necessary, to bee known and learned, of such as would know Christ here, or be known of him hereafter | 1 |
BT1030 .P47 1661 | The foundation of Christian religion gathered into six principles. | 1 |
BT1030 .P66 | A rational catechism, or, An instructive conference between a father and son | 2 |
BT1030 .P75 1570 | A primer and a cathechisme, and also the notable fayres in the kalender set forth by the Quenes maiesty to betaught [sic] vnto children. | 1 |