Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT1030 .U58 | The communicants instructor, or, A sacramental catechism in which the nature of the convenant of grace, and the visible seals thereof (viz.) baptism and the Lord's Supper, with the gospel qualification of worthy receiver, are opened with all plainness and clearness by way of question and answer : recommended to the use of the younger and more ignorant sort ... / | 2 |
BT1030 .U87 1649 | A body of divinity, or, The svmme and svbstance of Christian religion catechistically propounded and explained by way of question and answer methodically and familiarly handled / | 2 |
BT1030 .U88 | A briefe catechisme, [v]ery well seruing for the instruction of youth. | 1 |
BT1030 .V47 1623 | The scope of the scripture. Containing a briefe exposition of the Apostles Creed, the Ten Commandements, the Lords Prayer, and the sacraments, by short questions and answers. Wherein the ignorant are taught the sauing knowledge of God and of themselues. / | 1 |
BT1030 .W4 | A briefe exposition of the principles of Christian religion. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, for the benefite of all that are desirous to heare sermons and to receyue the Sacraments with comfort. / | 1 |
BT1030 .W477 1689 | The Shorter Catechism. | 1 |
BT1030 .W477 1698 | The shorter catechism, | 1 |
BT1030 .W54 |
Short questions and answeres to be learned of such as be ignorant, before they be admitted to the Lords Supper. Whereunto are added certaine obseruations necessarie to be vsed of euerie Christian. / Short questions and answers to be learned of such as be ignorant, before they be admitted to the Lords Supper whereunto are added certaine obseruations necessary to bee vsed of euery Christian / |
2 |
BT1030 .W55 1972 | The principles and duties of Christianity, 1707. | 1 |
BT1030 .W67 1700 | Hypotyposis hygiainonton logon A form of sound words, or, A scripture-catechism shewing what a Christian is to believe and practice in order to salvation : very useful for persons of all ages and capacities, as well as children / | 2 |
BT1031 .C47 1653 | Certain catechistical exercises treating of the grounds of religion, very useful for these times, that those who have honest hearts, but weak heads may get to be better rooted and established in the faith of the Gospel, and not carried about with every winde of doctrine. Handling more especially these particulars folllowing ... / | 1 |
BT1031 .E28 1849 | The child's catechism : with answers in the language of the Bible, prepared for Sabbath School children and designed to lead them to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of Sinners / | 1 |
BT1031.2 .G74 1996 | The Christian's ABC : catechisms and catechizing in England c.1530-1740 / | 2 |
BT1031.3 | Catechisms written for mothers, schoolmistresses, and children, 1575-1750 / | 1 |
BT1031.3 .M368 2017 | Catechisms and women's writing in seventeenth-century England / | 2 |
BT1031.3 .M37 2008 | Catechisms written for mothers, schoolmistresses, and children, 1575-1750 / | 1 |
BT1033 |
Catechisme ou Instruction familiere sur les principaux points de la religion chrêtiene Discipline pour l'Eglise francoise Dublin qui s'assemble a St Patrick |
2 |
BT1033 .C6 1993 | Catéchismes et confessions de foi : actes du VIIIe colloque Jean Boisset : actes du XIIIe colloque du Centre d'histoire des réformes et du protestantisme de l'Université de Montpellier / | 1 |
BT1033 .L45 1580 | A catechisme and playne instruction for children which prepare the[m]selues to communicate in the Holy Supper yeelding therein openlie a reason of their faith, according to the order of the Frenche church at London / | 1 |
BT1033 .R68 |
A catechism of penance guiding sinners unto a true conversion / A catechism of penance, guiding sinners unto a true conversion. / |
2 |