Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT1100 .G7613 1793i The truth of the Christian religion in six books / 1
BT1100 .G77 1650 Hugo Grotius De veritate religionis Christianae 2
BT1100 .H34 Differences about pre-determination determined shewing from Scripture, reason, and experience that man is a necessary agent : to which is added plain proofs of the being of a God, the probability at least of the soul's immortality, and the credibility of Christianity / 2
BT1100 .H35 A defence of revealed religion in six sermons upon Rom. I, 16 : wherein it is clearly and plainly shown that no man can possibly have any real ground or reason to be ashamed of Christianity /
A discourse of the excellency of Christianity
BT1100 (INTERNET) Some gospel-truths opened according to the Scriptures, or, The divine and humane nature of Christ Jesus, his coming into the world, his righteousness, death, resurrection, ascension, intercession, and second comming to judgment, plainly demonstrated and proved and also answers to severall questions, with profitable directions to stand fast in the doctrine of Jesus the son of Mary, against those blustring storms of the Devils temptations, which do at this day, like so many scorpions, break loose from the bottomless pit, to bite and torment those that have not tasted the vertue of Jesus by the revelation of the spirit of God /
Scripture vindicated from the mis-apprehensions, mis-interpretations, and mis-applications of Mr Stephen Marshall [in] his sermon preached before the Commons House of Parliament, Feb. 23. 1641. and published by order of that House. : Also a militarie sermon, wherein [b]y the VVord of God, the nature and disposition of a rebell is discovered, and the kings true souldier described and characterized /
More reasons for the Christian religion and no reason against it, or, A second appendix to the Reasons of the Christian religion being I. an answer to a letter from an unknown person charging the Holy Scriptures with contradictions, II. some animadversions on a tractate De Veritate, written by ... Edward Herbert, Baron of Cherbury ... /
The divinity of the Christian religion, proved by the evidence of reason and divine revelation
A demonstration of the divine authority of the law of nature and of the Christian religion in two parts /
Saint Peters rocke vnder which title is deciphered the faith of Peter, the foundation of the church, Christs sacrificehood, and the comfort of the holy Spirit /
A short discourse upon the reasonableness of men's having a religion, or worship of God
Some thoughts concerning the several causes and occasions of atheism, especially in the present age with some brief reflections on Socinianism, and on a late book entitled, The reasonableness of Christianity as delivered in the Scriptures /
A vvoorke concerning the trewnesse of the Christian religion, written in French against atheists, Epicures, Paynims, Iewes, Mahumetists, and other infidels. /
Believers evidences for eternall life collected out of the first epistle of John which is catholique : explained and confirmed by very many subservient signes, or undernotes grounded upon Scriptures and illustrated by testimonies both of ancient fathers and modern writers whereby persons truly regenerate may divers wayes discover their present state of grace and title unto glory /
Four discourses delivered to the clergy of the Diocess of Sarum ...
A second vindication of The reasonableness of Christianity, &c
A seasonable apology for religion being the subject of two sermons lately delivered in an auditory in London /
BT1100 .L6 The way to make all discerning lovers of truth of one mind: for the stronger opposition of those who would ruine them with errours and discords flowing from them. / 1
BT1100 .L66 1697 A second vindication of The reasonableness of Christianity, &c
A second vindication of the reasonableness of Christianity, &c.
A second vindication of The reasonableness of Christianity, &c,
BT1100 .L814 Le Livre du gentil et des trois sages / 1
BT1100 .L95 An apologie for our publick ministerie and infant-baptism written som years ago for private satisfaction of som dissenting brethren and upon request enlarged and published for the same ends / 2
BT1100 .L95 1657 An apologie for our publick ministerie and infant-baptism 2
BT1100 .M28 2010 Conversations chrétiennes ; Méditations sur l'humilité et la pénitence ; Lettre de Vaugelade / 1
BT1100 .M2813 Christian conferences demonstrating the truth of the Christian religion and morality / 2
BT1100 .M56 1662 Marci Minvcii Felicis equitis Romani Octavius Cæcilius Cyprianus de idolorum vanitate / 2
BT1100 .M6513 1976 A woorke concerning the trewnesse of the Christian religion / 1
BT1100 .M83 2005 Muslim-Christian polemic during the Crusades : the letter from the people of Cyprus and Ibn Abī Ṭālib al-Dimashqī's response / 1
BT1100 .M83 2005eb Muslim-Christian polemic during the Crusades : the letter from the people of Cyprus and Ibn Abī Ṭālib al-Dimashqī's response / 1
BT1100 .N43 A conference with a theist.
A conference with a theist. wherein I. The ancient predictions concerning our Blessed Saviour, II. The lives and actions of Christ and his apostles, III. The doctrines of the Christian religion, are vindicated from the objections of the incredulous /
A conference with a theist. where in I. The authority of the books of the Old and New Testament is maintained II. The style of Scripture is vindicated ... III. Arguments urged to prove the Christian religion to be the only true and best in the world /
A conference with a theist. Shewing the defects of natural religion; the necessity of divine inspiration; the rationale of the mosaical laws, and defence of his miracles : together with an account of the deluge, the origin of sacrifices, and the reasonableness of Christ's mediatorship. /
BT1100 .N43 1698 A conference with a theist part I / 2
BT1100 .P2 1805 A view of the evidences of Christianity : in three parts / 1
BT1100 .P34 2007 Opere / 1