Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT1100 .L814 Le Livre du gentil et des trois sages / 1
BT1100 .L95 An apologie for our publick ministerie and infant-baptism written som years ago for private satisfaction of som dissenting brethren and upon request enlarged and published for the same ends / 2
BT1100 .L95 1657 An apologie for our publick ministerie and infant-baptism 2
BT1100 .M28 2010 Conversations chrétiennes ; Méditations sur l'humilité et la pénitence ; Lettre de Vaugelade / 1
BT1100 .M2813 Christian conferences demonstrating the truth of the Christian religion and morality / 2
BT1100 .M56 1662 Marci Minvcii Felicis equitis Romani Octavius Cæcilius Cyprianus de idolorum vanitate / 2
BT1100 .M6513 1976 A woorke concerning the trewnesse of the Christian religion / 1
BT1100 .M83 2005 Muslim-Christian polemic during the Crusades : the letter from the people of Cyprus and Ibn Abī Ṭālib al-Dimashqī's response / 1
BT1100 .M83 2005eb Muslim-Christian polemic during the Crusades : the letter from the people of Cyprus and Ibn Abī Ṭālib al-Dimashqī's response / 1
BT1100 .N43 A conference with a theist. wherein I. The ancient predictions concerning our Blessed Saviour, II. The lives and actions of Christ and his apostles, III. The doctrines of the Christian religion, are vindicated from the objections of the incredulous /
A conference with a theist. Shewing the defects of natural religion; the necessity of divine inspiration; the rationale of the mosaical laws, and defence of his miracles : together with an account of the deluge, the origin of sacrifices, and the reasonableness of Christ's mediatorship. /
A conference with a theist. where in I. The authority of the books of the Old and New Testament is maintained II. The style of Scripture is vindicated ... III. Arguments urged to prove the Christian religion to be the only true and best in the world /
A conference with a theist.
BT1100 .N43 1698 A conference with a theist part I / 2
BT1100 .P2 1805 A view of the evidences of Christianity : in three parts / 1
BT1100 .P34 2007 Opere / 1
BT1100 .P35 2009 A view of the evidences of Christianity : in three parts.
A view of the evidences of Christianity.
BT1100 .P5 1694 An antidote against a careless indifferency in matters of religion. Being a treatise in opposition to those that believe, that all religions are indifferent, and that it imports not what men profess. / 1
BT1100 .P66 A seasonable apology for religion being the subject of two sermons lately delivered in an auditory in London / 2
BT1100 .P705 Discourses on the evidence of revealed religion
Discourses relating to the evidences of revealed religion delivered in the church of the Universalists, at Philadelphia, 1796, and published at the request of many of the hearers /
BT1100 .R62 1655 Believers evidences for eternall life collected out of the first epistle of John which is catholique : explained and confirmed by very many subservient signes, or undernotes grounded upon Scriptures and illustrated by testimonies both of ancient fathers and modern writers whereby persons truly regenerate may divers wayes discover their present state of grace and title unto glory / 2
BT1100 .S28 Prometheus Christianus, or, A treatise shewing the folly and vanity of atheism and containing the solution of the main arguments of the Socinians, the Arrians, the deists, and other unitarians ... : whereunto is annex'd the refutation of some dogmatical points of a modern author relating to the trinity / 1
BT1100 .S28 1661 The truth of the Christian faith, or, The triumph of the cross of Christ 2