Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT127 .R45 2017 Religious interactions in Europe and the Mediterranean world : coexistence and dialogue from the twelfth to the twentieth centuries /
Religious interactions in Europe and the Mediterranean world : coexistence and dialogue from the twelfthto the twentieth centuries /
BT127 .S3 The New Testament idea of revelation / 1
BT127 ebook  
BT127.2 .D8 Revelation and the quest for unity / 1
BT127.2 .D84 Revelation theology : a history / 1
BT127.2 .G74 2001 Introducing feminist images of God / 1
BT127.2 .H285 1985 Unfinishing man and the imagination : toward an ontology and a rhetoric of revelation / 1
BT127.2 .H35 1993 Mystery and promise : a theology of revelation / 1
BT127.2 .K5 Vernunft und Offenbarung bei Theodor Beza : Zum Problem der Verhältnisses von Theologie, Philosophie und Staat. 1
BT127.2 .K64 2001 Wrestling with the divine : religion, science, and Revelation / 1
BT127.2 .M6 1966 Theology of revelation. 2
BT127.2 .N54 1960a The meaning of revelation / 1
BT127.2 .R2813 Revelation and tradition / 1
BT127.2 .R4 1990 Offenbarung und Einbildungskraft : Studien zum Bildungsgang der Jenaer Frühromantiker / 1
BT127.2 .S3312 Revelation and theology / 1
BT127.2 .S3313 Revelation and theology / 1
BT127.2 .S37 Deus absconditus, Deus manifestus : die Lehre Hugos von St. Viktor über die Offenbarung Gottes. 1
BT127.2 .S85 1992 Revelation : from metaphor to analogy / 1
BT127.2 .S85 1992eb Revelation : from metaphor to analogy / 1