Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT127.A2 B731 The excellency of the Christian revelation, as it removes the guilty fears of sinners, and their ignorance of God a sermon preach'd in the cathedral church of St. Paul, April the 3d, 1699 : being the fourth for this year, of the lecture, founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq. / 2
BT127.A2 B731 1699 The excellency of the Christian revelation, as it teaches us to know our selves, and our duty a sermon preach'd in the cathedral church of St. Paul, May the 1st, 1699 : being the fifth, for this year, of the lecture, founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq. / 1
BT127.A2 B733 The excellency of the Christian revelation as it proposeth to us a perfect example a sermon preach'd in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, September the 4th, 1699 : being the sixth for this year of the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq. / 2
BT127.A2 C64 The glory of Christ, and the ruine of Antichrist unvailed, as they are held forth in revelation, by the seales, trumpets and vialls, dialogue-wise, between a minister of the Gospell and an inquiring Christian, for the information and consolation of all those who love the truth in the mystery and power of it / 2
BT127.A2 (INTERNET) The possibility and necessity of the inward immediate revelation of the spirit of God towards the foundation and ground of true faith, proved in a letter write [sic] in Latine, to a person of quality in Holland; and now also put into English. /
The militant chvrch trivmphant over the dragon and his angels presented in a sermon preached to both Houses of Parliament assembled on Friday the 21. of July, 1643 : being an extraordinary day of publikhumiliation appointed by them throughout London and Westminster : that every one might bitterly bewaile his own sins and cry mightily unto God for Christ his sake to remove his wrath and heale the land /
Delight and judgment:, or, a prospect of the great Day of Judgment and its power to damp, and imbitter sensual delights, sports, and recreations. /
Divine immediate revelation and inspiration, continued in the true church second part. : In two treatises : the first being an answer to Jo. W. Bajer Doctor and Professor of Divinity, so called, at Jena in Germany, published first in Latine, and now in English. : The second being an answer to George Hicks ... his sermon preached at Oxford, 1681. and printed with the title of, The spirit of enthusiasm exorcised; where this pretended exorcist is detected ... /
BT127.A2 L4 1958 Die Erziehung des Menschengeschlechts. : Ernst und Falk / 1
BT127.A2 L48 1967 Lessings Erziehung des menschengeschlechts : interpretation und darstellung ihres rationalen und irrationalen gehaltes; eine auseinandersetzung mit der Lessingforschung / 1
BT127.A2 S43 Logos peru logou, or, The word written concerning the Word everliving viz. as touching his glorious kingly office on earth to come : witnessing that Jesus Christ shall have a visible glorious kingdome in the world ... /
Iero-metropolis, or, The holy, the great, the beloved new Jerusalem shortly to come down from God out of heaven : being the work of Gods own hands ... /
Kleis Euangeliou tou mystikou, or, A key of the doctrines contained in this book for the better perusal thereof with some additions of Christs being heir of all things ... : and Abrahams being heir of the world ... : and of promised and covenant mercies to the father ... /
An additional supplement to the Eirenikon, or, Peaceable considerations of Christs peaceful kingdome to come upon the earth in the thousand years Rev. 20, lately published, 1665.
Euaggelion aionuon tes oukoumenes tes mellouses, or, The saints first revealed and covenanted mercies shortly approaching as being the main scope of revelation-prophesie : opened and resolved by Christ's divine key of prophesie ... /
Exanastasis, or, The saints rising out of the heap or mass of dead bodies contained in the globe of the earth and sea ... Rev. 20. 5 hereunto, by way of preface, is here prefixed the comprisal of the substance of our former parcels ... /
Eiphnikon, or, A peaceable consideration of Christ's peaceful kingdom on earth to come Rev. 20. 4, Rev. 5. 10 : to be added to the Prodromos or fore-runner : wherein the proof and confirmation that such a kingdom shal [sic] be is abundantly established ... : whereunto is added an appendix concerning the first resurrection.
The true news of the good new world shortly to come (Heb. 2. 5.) for all such as then shall be found real saints with the sudden end of all the enjoyments of this present evil world.
Prodromos the fore-runner of Christ's peaceable kingdom upon earth.
The true news of the good new world shortly to come (Heb. 2. 5.) for all such as then shall be found real saints with the sudden end of all the enjoyments of this present evil world ..
Eiphnikon, or, A peaceable consideration of Christ's peaceful kingdom on earth to come Rev. 20. 4, Rev. 5. 10 : to be added to the Prodromos or fore-runner : wherein the proof and confirmation that such a kingdom shal [sic] be is abundantly established ... : whereunto is added an appendix concerning the first resurrection ..
BT127.A2 S43 1674 Prodromos, or, The fore-runner of the peaceable consideration of Christs peaceful kingdom upon earth also containing many necessary matters ... : unto which are annexed divers things most useful ... / 2
BT127.A2 W54 A discourse of the necessity of Revelation and an holy life deliver'd in a visitation-sermon at Guilford, October 7, 1697 / 2
BT127 .B842 Revelation and reason : the Christian doctrine of faith and knowledge / 1
BT127 .F37 The glass of vision. 1
BT127 .G6 Revelation and the ideal / 1
BT127 .H5 The postulates of revelation and of ethics / 1
BT127 .H69 The sufficiency of the spirits teaching without humane learning a treatise tending to prove humane learning to be no help to the spirituall understanding of the word of God ... / 2
BT127 .H69 1689 The sufficiency of the Spirits teaching, without human learning, or, A treatise tending to prove human learning, to be no help to the spiritual understanding of the Word of God written (if it may be) for the silencing of such false and scandalous reports as have been rumoured about concerning this matter, and also for the information of all such as desire to know the truth / 2
BT127 .K44 Divine immediate revelation and inspiration continued in the true church in two treatises : the first being an answer to Jo. W. Bajer ...: the second being an answer to George Hicks ... his sermon preached at Oxford, 1681 and printed with the title of The spirit of enthusiasm exorcised ...: together with some testimonies of truth collected out of diverse ancient writers and fathers so called / 2
BT127 .L4 A philosophy of the Christian revelation / 1
BT127 .N5 1941 The meaning of revelation / 1
BT127 .N5 1960 The meaning of revelation / 1