Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT1315.3 .N46 2022 | Orthodoxy and heresy / | 2 |
BT1315.3 .T56 2011 | Heresy in the Roman Catholic Church : a history / | 1 |
BT1315.3 ebook | ||
BT1317 | Irenaeus, Joseph Smith, and God-making heresy / | 1 |
BT1317 .D57 | A Discourse of schism for the benefit of humble Christians | 2 |
BT1317 .D63 | A discourse concerning the one altar and the one priesthood insisted on by the ancients in their disputes against schism wherein the ground and solidity of that way of reasoning is explained, as also its applicableness to the case of our modern schismaticks, with particular regard to some late treatises of Mr. Richard Baxter ... / | 2 |
BT1317 .H35 | Of schisme a defence of the Church of England against the exceptions of the Romanists / | 2 |
BT1317 .I58 2012 | The Intellectual Consequences of Religious Heterodoxy, 1600-1750 / | 1 |
BT1317 (INTERNET) | A discourse concerning the one altar and the one priesthood insisted on by the ancients in their disputes against schism wherein the ground and solidity of that way of reasoning is explained, as also its applicableness to the case of our modern schismaticks, with particular regard to some late treatises of Mr. Richard Baxter ... / | 1 |
BT1317 .L68 | The growth of error being an exercitation concerning the rise and progress of Arminianism and more especially Socinianism, both abroad and now of late, in England / | 2 |
BT1317 .P69 2015 | Irenaeus, Joseph Smith, and God-making heresy / | 1 |
BT1317 .T46 1991 | Newman and heresy : the Anglican years / | 1 |
BT1318 .C48 1998 | Christian dualist heresies in the Byzantine world, c. 650-c. 1450 : selected sources / | 1 |
The reformation of the Church of England justified according to the canons of the Council of Nice, and other general councils, and the tradition of the Catholick Church being an answer to a paper reprinted at Oxford, called (The schism of the Church of England) demonstrated in four arguments, formerly proposed to Dr. Gunning and Dr. Pearson the late bishops of Ely and Chester, by two Catholick disputants, in a celebrated conference upon that point : in which answer the unworthy and false dealings of the papists are shewed, and the charge of schism returned upon them, and the Church of England proved truly Catholick and apostolick in her doctrine and constitution / A sermon against schisme, or, The seperations of these times preacht in the church of Wattlington in Oxford-shire, with some interruption, September 11, 1652 : at a publick dispute held there between Jasper Mayne, D.D. and one ----- A sermon preached to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen of the city of London, at their anniversary meeting on Easter Monday April 1652, at the Spittle wherein the unity of the saints with Christ, the head, and especially with the church, the body, with the duties thence arising, are endeavoured to be cleared : tending to heale our rents and divisions / |
3 |
BT1318 .M39 |
A sermon against schisme, or, The seperations of these times preacht in the church of Wattlington in Oxford-shire, with some interruption, September 11, 1652 : at a publick dispute held there between Jasper Mayne, D.D. and one ----- Ymddiffyniad rhag pla o schism neu swyn gyfaredd yn erbyn neullduaethau yr amferoedd .. A sermon against schisme, or, The seperations of these times preacht in the church of Wattlington in Oxford-shire, with some interruption, September 11, 1652 : at a publick dispute held there between Jasper Mayne, D.D. and one ----- .. |
3 |
BT1318 .N67 | The case and trial of Capt. Robert Norwood now prisoner in New-gate impartially stated and published for satisfaction of my allied friends, and very many others desirous thereof : together with some observations upon the law and its professors ... : both which (with a brief answer by way of postscript to a secret calumny charged upon me) are here presented to the view and judgement of the whole nation, which if duly considered ... will clearly discover where England's death and life lies. | 1 |
BT1318 .O68 1992 | Orthodoxy and heresy in religious movements : discipline and dissent / | 1 |
BT1318 .S39 |
The reformation of the Church of England justified according to the canons of the Council of Nice, and other general councils, and the tradition of the Catholick Church being an answer to a paper reprinted at Oxford, called (The schism of the Church of England) demonstrated in four arguments, formerly proposed to Dr. Gunning and Dr. Pearson the late bishops of Ely and Chester, by two Catholick disputants, in a celebrated conference upon that point : in which answer the unworthy and false dealings of the papists are shewed, and the charge of schism returned upon them, and the Church of England proved truly Catholick and apostolick in her doctrine and constitution / The reformation of the Church of England justified according to the canons of the Council of Nice, and other general councils, and the tradition of the Catholick Church being an answer to a paper reprinted at Oxford, called (The schism of the Church of England) demonstrated in four arguments, formerly proposed to Dr. Gunning and Dr. Pearson the late bishops of Ely and Chester, by two Catholick disputants, in a celebrated conference upon that point : in which answer the unworthy and false dealings of the papists are shewed, and the charge of schism returned upon them, and the Church of England proved truly Catholick and apostolick in her doctrine and constitution / |
2 |
BT1318 .V56 |
The authours, nature, and danger of heresie laid open in a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons in S. Margarets Westminster upon Wednesday the tenth of March 1646, being set apart as a solemn day of publick humiliation to seek Gods assistance for the suppressing and preventing of growth and spreading of errours, heresies, and blasphemies / The authours, nature, and danger of heresie laid open in a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons in S. Margarets Westminster upon Wednesday the tenth of March 1646, being set apart as a solemn day of publick humiliation to seek Gods assistnace for the suppressing and preventing of growth and spreading of errours, heresies, and blasphemies / |
2 |
BT1319 |
The War on Heresy / Guilt by association : heresy catalogues in early Christianity / The notion of heresy in Greek literature in the second and third centuries / The system of the inquisition in medieval Europe / Heresy, philosophy, and religion in the Medieval West / |
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