Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT1410 .C68 2009eb Manichaeism and its legacy / 1
BT1410 .E65 1997 Emerging from darkness : studies in the recovery of Manichaean sources / 1
BT1410 .F72 2003 Jesus in the Manichaean Writings. 1
BT1410 .F74 2003 Jesus in the Manichaean writings / 1
BT1410 .F76 2007eb Frontiers of faith : the Christian encounter with Manichaeism in the Acts of Archelaus / 1
BT1410 .G367 2020 The founder of Manichaeism : rethinking the life of Mani : The Jordan Lectures in Comparative Religion, School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, 30 May - 2 June, 2016 / 1
BT1410 .G37 2015 Mani at the court of the Persian kings : studies on the Chester Beatty Kephalaia codex / 1
BT1410 .G373 2020 The Founder of Manichaeism : Rethinking the Life of Mani / 1
BT1410 .G66 1993 Gnosis on the Silk Road : Gnostic texts from Central Asia / 1
BT1410 .H48 1998 Studies in Manichaean literature and art / 1
BT1410 .H95 1989 Hymnen und Gebete der Religion des Lichts : iranische und türkische liturgische Texte der Manichäer Zentralasiens : eingeleitet und aus dem Mittelpersischen, Parthischen, Sogdischen, und Uigurischen (Alttürkischen) übersetzt / 1
BT1410 .I2 1969 Mani : seine Lehre und seine Schriften / 1
BT1410 .I57 1998 Augustine and Manichaeism in the Latin West : proceedings of the Fribourg-Utrecht International Symposium of the International Association of Manichaean Studies (IAMS) / 1
BT1410 .I58 2005eb New Light on Manichaeism : Papers from the Sixth International Congress on Manichaeism, Organized by the International Association of Manichaean Studies / 2
BT1410 .I58 2015 Mani in Dublin : selected papers from the Seventh International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, 8-12 September 2009 / 1
BT1410 .K4713 1995 The Kephalaia of the Teacher : the edited Coptic Manichaean texts in translation with commentary / 1
BT1410 .L45 1998 Manichaeism in Central Asia and China / 1
BT1410 .L46 1994 Manichaeism in Mesopotamia and the Roman East / 1
BT1410 .L47 1984 Manichaeism in the later Roman Empire and medieval China : a historical survey / 1
BT1410 .L47 1985 Manichaeism in the later Roman Empire and medieval China : a historical survey / 1