Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT1480 .G66 Grzegorz Paweł z Brzezin : monografja z dziejów polskiej literatury arjańskiej XVI wieku / 1
BT1480 .G73 A divine antidote against a devilish poyson, or, A scriptural answer to an anti-scriptural and heretical pamphlet entituled A designed end to the Socinian controversie, written by John Smith 2
BT1480 (INTERNET) The present state of the Socinian controversy, and the doctrine of the Catholick fathers concerning a trinity in unity
Primordia, or, The rise and growth of the first church of God described
An account of Mr. Lock's religion, out of his own writings, and in his own words together with some observations upon it, and a twofold appendix : I. a specimen of Mr. Lock's way of answering authors ..., II. a brief enquiry whether Socinianism be justly charged upon Mr. Lock.
A defence of the Dean of St. Paul's Apology for writing against the Socinians in answer to the antapologist.
The difference betwixt the Protestant and Socinian methods in answer to a book written by a Romanist, and intituled, The Protestant's plea for a Socinian.
The rise, growth, and danger of Socinianisme together with a plaine discovery of a desperate designe of corrupting the Protestant religion, whereby it appeares that the religion which hath been so violently contended for (by the Archbishop of Canterbury and his adherents) is not the true pure Protestant religion, but an hotchpotch of Arminianisme, Socinianisme and popery : it is likewise made evident, that the atheists, Anabaptists, and sectaries so much complained of, have been raised or encouraged by the doctrines and practises of the Arminian, Socinian and popish party /
A brief state of the Socinian controversy concerning a trinity in unity
BT1480 .J32 A suddain essay with a sincere desire to vindicate Christianity, or the common faith, from the superlative heresies or phantasticall novelties of all selfe-particular Sciolists endeavouring the subversion of the same by seven arguments used in opposition to Mr. John Biddle, Febr. 18 and Febr. 25, 1654 at his school in Coleman-Street
A suddain essay with a sincere desire to vindicate Christianity, or the common faith, from the superlative heresies or phantasticall novelties of all selfe-particular Sciolists endeavouring the subversion of the same by seven arguments used in opposition to Mr. John Biddle, Febr. 18 and Febr. 25, 1654 at his school in Coleman Street
BT1480 .J37 Examen doctrinæ ariano-socinianæ à quodam anonymo sub hoc titulo evulgate, Doctrina de Deo, & Christo, & Spiritu Sancto, ipsis scripturae verbis, ante paucos annos, à quodam divinæ veritatis confessore, in sermone Germanico concinnata, nunc vero, in gratiam exterorum, Latine edita in quo loca de S.S. Trinitate insigniora, à cavillis adversariorum consensu orthodoxorum ... / 2
BT1480 .K63 Socinianism in Poland. 1
BT1480 .L47 A letter from a gentleman in Manchester to his friend concerning a notorious blasphemer who died in despair &c
A brief account of the Socinian Trinity in a letter to a friend, June 1694.
A letter from a gentleman in Manchester to his friend concerning a notorious blasphemer who died in despair &c.
BT1480 .M67 2010 Reason and religion in the English revolution : the challenge of Socinianism / 1
BT1480 .M67 2010eb Reason and religion in the English revolution : the challenge of Socinianism / 2
BT1480 .N52 An answer to an heretical book called The naked Gospel which was condemned and ordered to be publickly burnt by the convocation of the University of Oxford, Aug. 19, 1690 : with some reflections on Dr. Bury's new edition of that book : to which is added a short history of Socinianism / 2
BT1480.N65 D5 1694 Dissertatio de lege Socinianis et Arminianis opposita. 1
BT1480 .R2 1987 The Protestants plea for a Socinian / 1
BT1480.S6 (INTERNET) The Socinian creed, or, A brief account of the professed tenents and doctrines of the foreign and English Socinians wherein is shew'd the tendency of them to irreligion and atheism, with proper antidotes against them / 1
BT1480.S63 (INTERNET) A trve relation of the chiefe passages betweene Mr. Anthony Wotton, and Mr. George Walker, in the yeare of our lord 1611, and in the yeares next following untill 1615
Socinianisme in the fundamentall point of justification discovered, and confuted, or, An answer to a written pamphlet maintaining that faith is in a proper sense without a trope imputed to beleevers in justification wherein the Socinian fallacies are discovered and confuted, and the true Christian doctrine maintained, viz. that the righteousnesse by which true beleevers are justified before God is the perfect righteousnesse and obedience which the Lord Iesus Christ God and man did perform to the law of God, both in his life and death /
BT1480 .S7 Dall'anabattismo al socinianesimo nel Cinquecento veneto : ricerche storiche. 1
BT1480 .S9 Literatura arianska w Polsce XVI wieku : antologia / 1
BT1480 .T43 Italian reformation studies in honor of Laelius Socinus. 1
BT1480 .W67 1641 Mr. Anthony Wotton's defence against Mr. George Walker's charge, accusing him of Socinian heresie and blasphemie 2
BT1930 .S83 Stella clericorum 1
BT2615.4 .O54 A sermon preach'd in St. Paul's Cathedral, before the Lord-Mayor, aldermen, &c. on Sunday, October 23, 1698 1