Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT155 .K54 A [sh]ort and sure way to grace and salvation, or, [P]roper means to expel gross ignorance [be]ing a necessary and profitable tract upon three fundamental principles of Christian religion ... viz. how [brace] man was first created, he is now corrupted, he may be again restored : [t]ogether with the conditions of the Covenant of Grace, and to whom the promises of the gospel belong : [th]e which well learned, would keep millions out of hell, that blindly throng thither. 1
BT155 .M23 2007 In granite or ingrained? : what the Old and New Covenants reveal about the Gospel, the Law, and the Sabbath / 1
BT155 .M33 1991 Fountainhead of federalism : Heinrich Bullinger and the covenantal tradition / 1
BT155 .M56 The convenant-interest and privilege of believers and their infants clearly demonstrated in a letter to a religious lady / 2
BT155 .P28 2016eb Commonwealth and covenant : economics, politics, and theologies of relationality / 1
BT155 .P37 The difference between the old and new covenant stated and explained with an exposition of the covenant of grace in the principal concernments of it / 2
BT155 .P46 The New-Covenant of the gospel distingnished [sic] from the Old Covenant of the law and the rest or sabbath of believers, from the rest or sabbath of the Jews, which differ as much from each other, as the sign and shadow doth from the thing signified and shadowed out : in answer to some queries of W. Salters, tending to enforce upon Christians the observation of the Jewish sabbath ... whereto are added Some considerations propounded to the Jews, tending towards their conversion to that which is the life and spirit of the law /
The New-Covenant of the gospel distingnished [sic] from the Old Covenant of the law and the rest or sabbath of believers, from the rest or sabbath of the Jews, which differ as much from each other, as the sign and shadow doth from the thing signified and shadowed out : in answer to some queries of W. Salters, tending to enforce upon Christians the observation of the Jewish sabbath ... whereto are added Some considerations propounded to the Jews, tending towards their conversion to that which is the life and spirit of the law /
BT155 .P763 2016eb Progressive covenantalism : charting a course between dispensational and covenant theologies / 1
BT155 .R62 Mysterium & medulla Bibliorum the mysterie and marrow of the Bible, viz. God's covenant with man in the first Adam before the fall, and in the last Adam, Iesvs Christ, after the fall, from the beginning to the end of the world : unfolded & illustrated in positive aphorisms & their explanation ... / 2
BT155 .S283 1964 The dawn of world redemption : a survey of historical revelation in the Old Testament / 1
BT155 .S313 1994 The triumph of the Crucified : a survey of historical revelation in the New Testament / 1
BT155 .T58 Covenant in Anglo-Saxon thought : the influence of the Bible, Church Fathers, and Germanic tradition on Anglo-Saxon laws, history, and the poems The battle of Maldon and Guthlac / 1
BT155 .V554 2013eb Rise of the reformed system : the intellectual heritage of William Ames / 1
BT155 .W42 2004 Admonition and curse : the ancient near Eastern treaty/covenant form as a problem in inter-cultural relationships / 1
BT155 .W42 2004eb Admonition and curse : the ancient near Eastern treaty/covenant form as a problem in inter-cultural relationships / 1
BT155 .W43 1990 The origins of the federal theology in sixteenth-century Reformation thought / 1
BT155 .W66 1656 A church-covenant lawfull and needfull to be entred-into by all, that intend to walk in church-fellowship according to gospel-order having tasted the sweetness of that everlasting covenant God in Christ hath made with His people, ordered in all things and sure, and can say of it as David did, tasting his words as he did, sweeter than the honey, the first droppings of the honey-combe, this is all my salvation, and all my desire. 2
BT155 .Y68 Two sermons concerning nature and grace 2
BT157 .A34 2018 Exporting the rapture : John Nelson Darby and the Victorian conquest of North-American Evangelicalism / 1
BT157 .A75 1991 On behalf of Israel : American fundamentalist attitudes toward Jews, Judaism, and Zionism, 1865-1945 / 1