Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT198 .S735 1998eb Die Christologie der Pastoralbriefe / 1
BT198 .S79 1998 Studies in patristic christology / 1
BT198 .T35 2011eb The development of Christology during the first hundred years, and other essays on early Christian Christology / 2
BT198 .T36 2010 Christ the key / 1
BT198 .T36 2010eb Christ the key / 1
BT198 .T39 2017eb Christianity, plasticity, and spectral heritages / 1
BT198 .T7 1976 The pre-existence of Christ in the writings of Justin Martyr / 1
BT198 .W36 1994 The liberation christologies of Leonardo Boff and Jon Sobrino : Latin American contributions to contemporary christology / 1
BT198 .W4543 2018 From good news to Gospels : what did the first Christians say about Jesus? / 1
BT198 .W45513 1991 The epic of Pābūjī : a study, transcription and translation / 1
BT198 .W463 2015 The incarnate Lord : a Thomistic study in Christology / 1
BT198 .W464 1998eb Fidelity with plausibility : modest christologies in the twentieth century / 1
BT198 ebook Señor Jesús : ¿quién eres tú? : (relectura de los evangelios) /
Jesús el Nazareno, el rey de los judíos : estudios de cristología joánica /
BT199 .H4 Christology of the later Fathers / 1
BT199 .M3 Christ and the fine arts : an anthology of pictures, poetry, music, and stories centering in the life of Christ / 1
BT199.5 Historical dictionary of Jesus / 1
BT199.5 .J47 2015eb Jesus in history, legend, scripture, and tradition : a world encyclopedia / 1
BT200 .A42 Looking unto Jesus a view of the everlasting gospel, or, the souls eying of Jesus as carrying on the great work of mans salvation from first to last /
Looking unto Jesus a view of the everlasting Gospel, or, the souls eying of Jesus as carrying on the great work of mans salvation from first to last /
BT200 .A42 1674 Looking unto Jesus a view of the everlasting Gospel, or, The souls eying [sic] of Jesus as carrying on the great work of mans salvation from first to last / 2
BT200 .B32 Christ mighty in himself & members revealed in some short expressions by way of catechisme : wherein is demonstrated ... according to the Scripture ... is alone in the Spirit by Jesus Christ : to which is added ... a hint of the nature of the kingdome of God (as it is even now to faith) / 2