Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT200 .C953 1964 Deux dialogues christologiques / 1
BT200 .G383 Exochē tou Christou, Christ's preeminence in a question propounded, discussed, & resolved, that Christ was the first, that with flesh and blood entred into the kingdome of heaven / 2
BT200 .G66 Christ set forth in his death, resurrection, ascension, sitting at Gods right hand, intercession, as the cause of justification [&] object of justifying faith upon Rom. 8. ver. 34 : together with a treatise discovering the affectionate tendernesse of Christs heart now in heaven, unto sinners on earth / 2
BT200 .G76 1658 Tou en Hagiois Roberti Grostest Episcopi Lincolniensis De cessatione legalium, tractatus eruditissimus, priscam, solidam, & Germanam pietatem spirans; nostroque ævo apprime utilis ac necessarius.
Tou en Hagiois Roberti Grostest Episcopi Lincolniensis De cessatione legalium, tractatus, eruditissimus, priscam, solidam, & Germanam pietatem spirans; nostroque ævo apprime utilis ac necessarius.
BT200 (INTERNET) Christs eternal existence, and the dignity of his person asserted and proved in opposition to the doctrine of the Socinians : in several sermons on Col. I, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 verses /
The opinion, judgement, and determination of two reverend, learned, and conformable divines of the Church of England, concerning bowing at the name, or naming of Jesus the one somtime a member of the Vnivertie of Cambridge, in a letter to his Christian freind : the other sometime a member of the Vniversitie of Oxford, in a treatise to his brethren the ministers of the Church of England.
Meditations and discourses on the glory of Christ, in his person, office, and grace with the differences between faith and sight applied unto the use of them that believe /
Meditations and discourses concerning the glory of Christ applyed unto unconverted sinners, and saints under spiritual decayes : in two chapters, from John XVII, xxiv /
A discourse concerning the knowledge of Jesus Christ and our union and communion with him &c
Plenitudo fontis, or, Christ's fulnesse and man's emptinesse a sermon /
BT200 .L35 Look unto Jesus, or, An ascent to the Holy Mount to see Jesus Christ in his glory whereby the active and contemplative believer may have the eyes of his understanding more inlightned to behold in some measure the eternity and immutability of the Lord Jesus Christ ... : at the end of the book is an appendix, shewing the certainty of the calling of the Jews / 2
BT200 .L62 A letter to Doctor Bates containing a vindication of the Doctor, and my self, necessitated by Mr. W's his answer to Mr. Humfrey / 2
BT200 .M36 Christs eternal existence, and the dignity of his person asserted and proved in opposition to the doctrine of the Socinians : in several sermons on Col. I, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 verses / 2
BT200 .O93 1684 Meditations and discourses on the glory of Christ, in his person, office, and grace with the differences between faith and sight : applied unto the use of them that believe / 2
BT200 .O93 1691 Meditations and discourses on the glory of Christ, in his person, office, and grace with the differences between faith and sight applied unto the use of them that believe / 2
BT200 .P56 The triall of a Christians sincere love unto Christ 2
BT200 .R39 The pattern of pure and undefiled religion exhibited in the preaching and life of the holy Jesus, shewing the true genius and spirit of Christianity, with an introduction concerning the restoring of true religion by Jesus Christ and his kingdom / by George Raymond. 2
BT200 .R62 Christ all and in all, or, Several significant similitudes by which the Lord Jesus Christ is described in the Holy Scriptures being the substance of many sermons / 2
BT200 .R62 1660 Christ all and in all, or, Severall significant similitudes by which the Lord Jesus Christ is described in the Holy Scriptures being the substance of many sermons / 2
BT200.S24 T47 A testimony to the plainness & simplicity of the truth as it is in Jesus with something concerning baptism and the Supper of the Lord, with a discovery of the antient foundation of faith and hope ... / 2
BT200 .S34 The triumphs of the holy Jesus, or, A divine poem of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of our Saviour 2
BT200 .S54 1695 A discourse on the love of Christ, 1
BT200 .S56 [Single leaf from unidentified work on the person and offices of Jesus Christ] 1
BT200 .S67 Christus redivivus, the Lord is risen being some account of Christ, what and where he is, of the glory and mystery of his person and office so miserably mangled now adaies : wherein also as in a glasse may be seene the image and proportion of all the waies and workes of God in the kingdomes of the world / 2
BT200 .W44 1648 Of the life of Christ that is of true faith, which is the rule, square, levell, or measuring-line of the holy city of God, and of the inhabitants thereof here on earth / 1