Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT225 .T375 1989 Upon the types of the Old Testament / 1
BT230 .B27 1992 The great angel : a study of Israel's second god / 1
BT230 .B53 Conviction for the Jewes and confirmation and comfort for the Christians, or, That Jesus Christ is the true Messiah and is alreadie come prooved [sic] from and by the Sacred Scriptures the unerring rule of truth, and by other undeniable arguments : together with the principall and most weightie objections of the Jewes answered : all being a loving exhortation to the Jewes by him that earnestly desireth the salvation of all wearie and thirstie soules, both Jewes and Gentiles /
Conviction for the Jewes and confirmation and comfort for the Christians, or, That Jesus Christ is the true Messiah and is alreadie come prooved [sic] from and by the Sacred Scriptures the unerring rule of truth, and by other undeniable arguments : together with the principall and most weightie objections of the Jewes answered : all being a loving exhortation to the Jewes answered : all being a loving exhortation to the Jewes by him that earnestly desireth the salvation of all wearie and thirstie soules, both Jewes and Gentiles /
BT230 .B73 An impartial view of the truth of Christianity with the history of the life and miracles of Apollonius Tyanaeus : containing an account of the testimony of Josephus concerning Christ, of the oracles of the Sibylls, and messias Ben Joseph so much spoken of by the later Jews and may serve as an appendix to the life of Mahomet : to which are added some reflections on a book called Oracles of reason / 2
BT230 .E54 A vindication of the Christians Messiah that Jesus Christ the Sonne of God is the true Messiah prophesied of, foretold by all the holy men of God who were the writers of the Old Testament, from Genesis unto the Prophet Mallachy : as also proved out of their own beloved Talmouth : wherein is also declared the coherence which the Old Testament hath with the New as to that particular : as also a clear proof of the Trinity in unity ... against the generall received opinion of the Jewes /
A vindication of the Christians Messiah that Jesus Christ the Sonne of God is the true Messiah prophesied of, foretold by all the holy men of God who were the writers of the Old Testament, from Genesis unto the Prophet Mallachy : as also proved out of their own beloved Talmouth : wherein is also declared the coherence which the Old Testament hath with the New as to that particular : as also a clear proof of the Trinity in unity ... against the generall received opinion of the Jewes /
BT230 .F72 Truth springing out of the earth that is, the truth of Christ proved out of the earthly promises of the Law : wherein is made manifest that the coming of the Messias cannot be for temporall things, according to the expectation of all the Jews : proved out of their own principles / 2
BT230 (INTERNET) Moses vnuailed, or, Those figures which serued vnto the patterne and shaddow of heauenly things, pointing out the Messiah Christ Iesus, briefly explained Wherevnto is added the harmony of all the prophets, breathing with one mouth the mysterie of his comming, and of that redemption which by his death he was to accomplish ... /
Moses and Aaron, or, The types and shadovvs of our Saviour in the Old Testament opened and explained /
The Messiah already come, or, Profes [sic] of Christianitie both out of the Scriptures, and auncient rabbins, to convince the Iewes, of their palpable, and more then miserable blindnesse (if more may be) for their long, vaine, and endlesse expectation of their Messiah (as they dreame) yet for to come. Written in Barbarie, in the yeare 1610, and for that cause directed to the dispersed Iewes of that countrie, and in them to all others now groaning under the heavy yoake of this their long and intollerable captivitie, which yet one day shall have an end.
BT230 .K52 A demonstration of the Messias. in which the truth of the Christian religion is proved, especially against the Jews /
A demonstration of the Messias. in which the truth of the Christian religion is defended, especially against the Jews /
BT230 .L8713 2007 The promise / 1
BT230 .M33 1961 The servant-messiah : a study of the public ministry of Jesus / 1
BT230 .M37 The Biblical concept of Messianism and Messianism in Southern Africa / 1
BT230 .M39 Two conferences one betwixt a papist and a Jew, the other betwixt a Protestant and a Jew : in two letters / 2
BT230 .M39 1699 Two conferences, one betwixt a Papist and a Jew, the other betwixt a Protestant and a Jew in two letters from a merchant in London to his correspondent in Amsterdam. 1
BT230 .T87 A discourse concerning the Messias, in three chapters the first concerning the preparatories to his appearance in the types and prophesies of the Old Testament : the second demonstrating that it was typically and prophetically necessary that he should be born of a virgin : the third, that he is God as well as man : to which is prefixed a large preface ... : and an appendix is subjoyned concerning the divine extension ... / 2
BT232 .B58 The Christian and Gnostic Son of Man. 2
BT232 .B6 1967 The Son of Man in myth and history. 1
BT232 .B87 1999eb The Son of Man Debate : a History and Evaluation.
The Son of Man debate : a history and evaluation /
BT232 .C37 2007 The solution to the Son of Man problem / 1
BT232 .H53 The Son of Man in the teaching of Jesus / 3
BT232 .M78 2014