Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT375.2 .W25 1987 | Medieval allegories of Jesus' parables / | 1 |
BT375.2 .W54 1993 | Jesus' parables : finding our God within / | 1 |
BT375.2 .W75 2014 | Jesus the storyteller / | 1 |
BT375.2 ebook | Las parábolas de Jesús / | 1 |
BT375.3 |
The Lost Coin : Parables of Women, Work, and Wisdom. The new world of Jesus' parables / |
2 |
BT375.3 .C68 2008eb | Discovering the Parables : an inspirational guide for everyday life / | 1 |
BT375.3 .O43 2002eb | Parables for our time : rereading New Testament scholarship after the Holocaust / | 1 |
BT375.3 .P47 2008 | Tell it slant : a conversation on the language of Jesus in his stories and prayers / | 1 |
BT375.3 .S66 2008 | Stories with intent : a comprehensive guide to the parables of Jesus / | 1 |
BT375.3 .S73 2006 | A rabbi looks at Jesus' parables / | 1 |
BT375.3 .W43 2021eb | The parables : Jesus's friendly subversive speech / | 1 |
BT375.3 ebook | Relatos cortos de Jesús : las parábolas enigmáticas de un rabino polémico / | 1 |
BT375.3 eBook BS680.P3 eBook | Un judío marginal : nueva visión del Jesús histórico. | 1 |
BT376 E76 2016 | El secreto de las parábolas / | 1 |
BT376 T693 1996eb | Enseñar en parábolas : actualidad pedagógica y didáctica de un estilo sin tiempo / | 1 |
BT378.B2 S66 2018 | The pivotal role of the fig-tree story in the Gospel of Mark 11 / | 1 |
BT378.D5 F69 | Christ's parable of Dives and Lazarus for all call'd Christians and others to consider | 2 |
BT378.D5 J63 1623 | Dives and Lazarus: or rather, Divellish dives: | 1 |
BT378.D5 J63 1628 | Dives and Lazarus: or rather, Divellish Dives: | 1 |
BT378.D5 J63 1633 | Dives and Lazarus, or rather, Divelish dives | 1 |