Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT465 .N53 2007 | Relics of the Christ / | 2 |
BT465 .N53 2007eb | Relics of the Christ / | 2 |
BT465 .V56 2001 | The Holy Blood : King Henry III and the Westminster Blood relic / | 1 |
BT468 .G7315 1982 | Die drei Tage zwischen Tod und Auferstehung unseres Herrn Jesus Christus / | 1 |
BT470 .B377 2014eb | The battle for the keys : Revelation 1:18 and Christ's descent into the underworld / | 1 |
BT470 .B74 | A petition tho [sic] the lordes chancelours of both vniversities, & to all the noble LL. of Albion & Ierne [sic] to help reformation of errours bred by not knovving that ̀To katelthein eis adou' in the crede meaneth à going vp to paradise & no going to gehenna nor feeling of gehenna torment' : the ignorance of vvhich article hath vvroght [sic] much ruine to the Gospel vvher men geue over all resistance. | 1 |
BT470 .B76 | Declaration of general corruption of religion, scripture, and all learninge vvrought by D. Bilson while he breedeth a newe opinion, that our Lord went from paradise to gehenna to triumph over the devils : to the most reverend father in God, John VVh. d. in divinity, and metropolitan of Englande / | 1 |
BT470 .B76 1599 | An explication of the article ... of our Lordes soules going from his body to paradise, touched by the Greke, general[l?]y ... the world of soules, termed Hel by the old Saxon, & by all our translationes with a defence of [t]he Q. of Englandes religion, to, & against the Archb. of Canterbury, who is blamed for turning the Q. auctority against her owne faith : sundry epistles are prefiexd [sic] & affixed / | 1 |
BT470 .G84 | Limbo's batterie, or, an answere, to a popish pamphlet, of Christs descense [sic] to hell: where-in what can be alleadged, for the locall descending of his soule thither, after his suffering, to liberate the patriarches, out of anie limbus, is clearlie refuted: extorted at last, to a more publicke view, / | 1 |
Two little workes defensiue of our redemption that our Lord went through the veile of his flesh into heaven, to appeare before God for vs. : Which iourney a Talmudist, as the Gospell, would terme, a going vp to Paradise: but heathen Greeke, a going downe to Hades, and Latin, descendere ad inferos. : Wherein the vnlearned barbarous, anger God and man, saying, that Iesus descended to Hell: and yeelde vnto the blasphemous Iewes by sure consequence vpon their words, that he should not be the Holy one of God. / An explication of the article katēlthen eis haidoū of our Lordes soules going from his body to paradise; touched by the Greek, generally haidou, the vvorld of the soules; termed Hel by the old Saxon, & by all our translations; vvith a defense of the Q. of Englands religion: to, & against the Archb. of Canterbury: vvho is blamed for turning the Q auctority against her ovvne faith. Sundry epistles are prefixed and affixed. / The defence of the article, Christ descended into Hell VVith arguments obiected against the truth of the same doctrine: of one Alexander Humes : All which reasons are confuted, and the same doctrine cleerely defended / Declaration of generall corruption of religion, Scripture and all learning; wrought by D. Bilson While he breedeth a new opinion, that our Lord went from Paradiseto [sic] Gehenna, to triumph over the devills. To the most reverend Father in God Iohn Wm. Doct. in Divinitie, and Metropolitan of England. / A petition tho [sic] the lordes chancelours of both vniversities, & to all the noble LL. of Albion & Ierne [sic] to help reformation of errours bred by not knovving that ̀To katelthein eis adou' in the crede meaneth à going vp to paradise & no going to gehenna nor feeling of gehenna torment' : the ignorance of vvhich article hath vvroght [sic] much ruine to the Gospel vvher men geue over all resistance. Loidoromastix, that is, A scourge for a rayler containing a full and sufficient answer vnto the vnchristian raylings, slaunders, vntruths, and other iniurious imputations, vented of late by one Richard Parkes master of Arts, against the author of Limbomastix : VVherein three hundred raylings, errors, contradictions, falsifications of fathers, corruptions of Scripture, with other grosse ouersights, are obserued out of the said vncharitable discourse / Limbo-mastix, that is, A canuise of Limbus Patrum shewing by euident places of Scripture, inuincible reasons, and pregnant testimonies of some ancient writers, that Christ descended not in soule to Hell, to deliuer the Fathers from thence. Containing also a briefe replie to so much of a pamphlet lately published, intituled, An answere to certaine obiections against the descension &c. as lookes that way, and is personally directed against some writers of our Church. A discourse, concerning two diuine positions The first [ef]fectually concluding, that the soules of the faithfull fathers, deceased before Christ, went immediately to heauen. The second sufficientlye setting foorth vnto vs Christians, what we are to conceiue, touching the descension of our Sauiour Christ into hell : publiquely disputed at a commencement in Cambridge, anno Domini 1552. / |
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BT470 .L38 2016 | Hell's destruction an exploration of Christ's descent to the dead / | 1 |
BT470 .L383 2017 | Barth on the Descent into Hell : God, Atonement and the Christian Life. | 1 |
BT470 .L384 2016 | Hell's Destruction : an Exploration of Christ's Descent to the Dead. | 1 |
BT470 .M3 | The harrowing of hell : a comparative study of an early Christian doctrine / | 1 |
BT480 .B48 1691 | An appeal most humble yet most earnestly by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together unto him, even adjuring the consideration of the most contrary minded who love his appearing concerning the Scripture on due compare, speaking expresly, or word for word : of the thousand years state of the saints, the dead raised first, and of the living, the remaining chang'd in it : and of the wicked-dead-raised, the Gog Magog under it / | 2 |
BT480 .G37 | A demonstration of the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and therein of the Christian religion, very useful for the further satisfaction and confirmation of all good Christians, as likewise for the confutation and conviction of those that have a Jewish or atheistical spirit in them / | 1 |
BT480 .K833 1965 | The theology of the resurrection / | 1 |
BT480.L4 (INTERNET) | The ascent to the mount of vision where many things were shewn, concerning I. The first resurrection; II. The state of separated souls; III. The patriarchal life; IV. The kingdom of Christ: with an account of the approaching blessed state of this nation. | 1 |
BT480 .L563 2019 | ||
BT480 .P37 | Jesus and the resurrection justified by witnesses in heaven and in earth in two parts : the first shewing that Jesus is the Son of God, the second that in him we have eternall life / | 2 |